Chapter 1

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Ciara's POV

I'm excited I am finally going to meet my brother's friends. My name is Ciara Marais and my brother is Jonah Marais from Why Don't We. I am 18 years old. I've been wanting to meet them for so long. Why? Beacause they are my favourite band ever! I had opportunities to meet them on concerts and other stuff but my mom was a buzzkill and said I was too young to go.

"And a-a-all we used to dream about is getting rich and getting out. Move to the nicer part of town where w-"

Its Jonah

I answered my phone.
"Hello?" I answered

"Get ready we are coming over soon"

"Who is we?"

"We as in the whole group"


"Okay bye"


I hung up the phone and decided to comb and brush my hair again. I don't know why I did that but I did.

My hair:

My makeup:

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My makeup:

My clothes:

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My clothes:

After I finished rebrushing my hair I waited

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After I finished rebrushing my hair I waited.

        ----------20 minutes later------------
My brother finally reached and I saw 4 people get out including my brother, Jonah.

"Hi!" I said and waved.

"Hi I'-"

"You don't have to I already know your names" I said. As I said that I noticed Corbyn was the one who was missing and I got a little less happy because I really wanted to meet Corbyn.

"Where's um Corbyn?"

"Should we tell her?" Zach asked Jack

"Why not?" He replied. The boys gave him a signal to continue.

"Well, he broke up with his girlfriend and is really sad about it. Therefore he couldn't make it."

"Ciara, where is your bags?" Jonah asked me.

"What bags?" I asked

"Didn't I tell you that your going to stay with us for 3 months?" I shoke my head gesturing no. And then he told me to go pack while he and his friends where in the living room. How rude of him.

Jack's POV

That was sad how Jonah just left his sister to pack her bags for herself even though it was his mistake.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I said. I walked up to her room and knocked on the door.

"Come in," she said "what do you want?"

"Just wanted to help you with your bags." My god! She's so beautiful.

Ciara's POV

So Jack is helping pack my bags and I couldn't hide what on my mind........................HIS HAIR.

"When we um, reach can I like play in your hair?" I asked.

He laughed then said "sure!"

~~~~~~~~~~ 1 hour later ~~~~~~~~~~~
The car ride is so boring so I decided that now was the time I wanted to play on Jacks hair. I made a bun and then two ponytails.  It was fun, well for 30 minutes. I just stayed silent on my phone texting my bff. Her name is Serenity but I call her renity.

 Her name is Serenity but I call her renity

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Hey Jonah?" I said "Can we stop by a place to eat? Preferably Subway?"

"Anyone seconds that" he asked his friends and all three of them put their hands up.

"What do you want?" He asked me.

"A cookie. Chocolate chip." I replied

"That's all?" He asked "I thought you were hungry?"

To be honest I wasn't even hungry but I wanted to bring one for Corbyn since he is sad at their house and loves cookies.

"Whatever! Make it four and a meatball sub" I said

"Okay Daniel," he said "order online for pickup."

"Okay! What does the rest of us want?" Daniel asked his band mates.

~~~~~~~~~~20 minutes later~~~~~~~~
We reached and Jonah told me to go meet Corbyn in his room. To introduce my self.


"GET AWAY FROM ME." Corbyn screamed. I was scared.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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