Chapter 1: Ring in the Season

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                     Jack's POV
I got up to hear a knock at the door. I stretched as I got up. I looked around my old room that I've had for years.
The walls were a light blue with a layer of frost always covering the walls. The cupboards were white. The bed was blue with white sheets. It's been five months since Anna's birthday fiasco, and seven months since the whole Great Thaw. Elsa and I have gotten closer then ever. But we still stay in separate rooms for now.
I got up  and got a robe on. I opened the door. Elsa stood in the doorway in a dark, blue dress with a white trim.
"Well hello, sleepyhead." She said with a smile.  "Hey, nice dress." I said as I rubbed my eyes. "What's the occasion?" "Umm Jack, we're ringing the Yule Bell today. Then we're having a surprise party." She said with a punch in the arm. "Oh, right. Let me get changed really quick." I said as I got ready to close the door. "And another thing, Olaf's doing a thing. He's been shouting surprise at everyone. Just forwarning you." " Thanks for the tip." I shut the door and went to the closet. I opened the door. "SURPRISE" I jumped back as OLAF falls out of my closet. "Olaf, not yet" I said. "Sorry, Jack." He said.

I came out with my uniform on. I slowly walked down the hall, making sure that Olaf didn't jump out and scare me again. Elsa came out of her room. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. She smiled as I did. Them she looked over at my other hand. "Where's your staff?" She asked. "I left it in my room. I won't need it" I said.
We walked to the entrance where the party was all set up. Anna had Olaf's head. " Olaf, not yet." Anna said. "Anna's right. Our surprise holiday party doesn't start till after the Yule Bell rings." Elsa said as she used her magic to decorate the staircase. "I'm sorry. The suspense is tearing me apart." Olaf said as Anna put his head back on. "Really? It's tearing you apart so much that you have to hide in my closet?" I said more like asked. "Seriously?" Anna asked Yep. Almost gave me a heart attack."

"Anyways. I'm excited too, Olaf." Anna said. "This is Arendelle's first Christmas in forever."

"The first..." Elsa started out.

"...of many to come." I said as I finished her sentence.

"Guys, look. They're arriving." Anna said as she ran to the window.

Look at everyone that'll realize

We planned a party as a big surprise

Soon the ballroom will echo with sounds of cheer

As we ring in the season this year

Elsa looked at Olaf and motioned him to a wreath.

This is overdue, gotta look our best

Ooh, I've never been so nicely dressed

We'll be hosting and toasting the whole night through

As we ring in the season with you

Anna and Elsa decorated the cake for the party. I managed to steal a candy from it.

It's the first Christmas in forever

Since we opened up the gates

And it's the first Christmas I remember to date

And it's already worth the wait

The four of us walked out to have the whole kingdoms singing with us. The people sang as we celebrated the season.

Look at all the joy when it's everywhere

I feel the Christmas spirit in the air

And the party will start at the strike of noon

And we'll ring in the season so soon

Just then, Kristoff came through the gates, being followed by Sven. Who was pulling the Yule Bell.

"Look! There's Kristoff and Sven. And the Yule Bell!" Olaf shouted. "I don't know why I so excited about that."

Olaf's Frozen Adventure: Jelsa VersionWhere stories live. Discover now