Tale of the four seasons

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They have been existing forever.
The four of them, of course, had to. They made everything work, the life, the time, the reason, but of course sometimes it would go without notice.

Summer always said that it was fine as long as their work gave life to the beings that lived on earth.

Spring said that they didn't care about someone paying attention as long as nothing of their work was destroyed​.

Autumn said that, even if no one actually cared, they where going to care for all of the population of earth.

But winter...

Winter thought that they had to care.

Most of them did. The birds moved across the world looking for the best place to habitate depending on the season. Bears lived peacefully during most of the year and hibernate during all of winter. Penguins searched for cold places to live depending on their needs. Most of them cared.

But there was a group, a powerful one, that seemed that didn't. Humanity. They were all so cocky, expecting everyone and everything to bend at their needs and wants. If it was too​ cold they complain, if it was too​ hot they would complain again. If it didn't snow they would throw tantrums and if it did they would demand it to stop.

They didn't care.


Or maybe they did, but not from winter. Every single being that had to choose one of the seasons would choose one of the other three. Because it was easier for everyone to work their way without grey days and low temperatures. Even the artic animals would prefer spring over winter because it would help to catch some prays. Everyone seemed to run from the cold. Everything seemed to disliked winter.

So maybe they cared. But maybe they didn't cared for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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