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Picture is Matty-Yuri

Matty POV

    They day was slow and dreary. I stood by my brothers casket with my sister. I tryed so hard not to cry. It wasn't working out as a plan. After seeing my older brother James vein buried, I walked away slowly with my friend Sara. It was a sad day. A day I wish I never showed up for. But it's my brother. I had to show up for his.....for his funeral.

"Why him. He didn't deserve this. He wasn't done living yet. He wasn't...." my voice broke as I cried.

"Matty Dear come on. We don't have long we have to be on the road soon. " My mother said.

"Okay mom I'm coming." I hugged Sara one last time and went over to my mom's car.

Daniel POV

It was just a normal day.

Wait what is a normal day.

A normal day for me was getting my ass kicked by my dad for not winning game.

A normal day is me sitting in my room hating myself.
A normal day of my mom just watching me get hit over and over and over.

I tryed to kill myself a bunch of times and yet had not succeeded. I hate this so much. I suffer everyday and no one sees that all. I have told people don't get me wrong. But no one listens .  No one.

There will be no one.

" DANIEL GET YOU ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW" my father yelled snapping me outta my thoughts.

I walked out my room to see my father standing there with a belt in his hand an a mean glare in his eyes.  I backed a way slowly.

" You failed another test Daniel"

"F-father I'm sorry" I stuttered

"Sorry doesn't cut it.  If you don't pass you will be kicked off the time. " he sighed "take your shirt off. "

"N-no please " I cried softly.

"Do u have to say it again Daniel" he snarled

I slowly took my shirt off and my father turned me around and told me not to move. The next part was the belt being whipped on my back and me trying to move or even scream once.

Once he was done he walked away huffing and cursing at my mother. I picked up my shirt and went back into my room. I grabbed my blades and starting cuttin my skin. Watching the blood fall down slowly.

Third person

A new day at school and Matty and Daniel had ran into each other. Matty was on his way to the nurses office for passing out from a mental break down about his brother passing. Daniel was there to get his arms checked.

Will they keep bumping into each other?

Another Note:

Omg so that's a pretty sad beginning for this. But trust me it will get better. They may be some smut in this and some more stuff. Please vote and comment what you think of my story. Thank you so much. -Yuri💕

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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