chapter thirty six

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I don't know if it was just me, but I had begun to notice a little change in Harry. I had noticed this just a few weeks ago after the summer begin. He was becoming the same way he was before, distant and quiet. After all this time I thought he was finally changing, returning to his normal happy state of mind, but something was clearly on his mind. Whatever it had been was dragging him back into that same hole I was finally able to pull him out of, I did not want him to be that person again.

Whatever Harry had going on was starting to affect our relationship. We had been doing so good, at least that's what it felt like. After how hard I had to work for us to even be together, it just shouldn't be hard to try and get his attention now this far into it. Harry's my boyfriend, it shouldn't feel like we're back in this friend stage with one another. Every time we talk, it feels like he's half listening and not giving me his full attention. Spending time with his, touching, or even kissing just feels like he's barely into it, like he's constantly distracted.

It was honestly frustrating and irritating. Why couldn't he just give me his all? Doesn't he see or even care how much I try to please him? He's just always far away and I hate it. I've liked- been in love with him for as long as I could remember and I feel like all the progress I've made is just about to go right down the toilet. I didn't want that to happen, that is the last thing I wanted. I didn't want to lose him, I couldn't lose him. Not after all that trouble I went through to have him call because then it all just be worthless.

I wanted to talk to Harry about his behavior and see if there was something going on with him, maybe try and fix that problem. At the same time I was aching to spend time with him since we'd literally been in the tower doing nothing most of the days when we were out fighting criminals. Our relationship just seemed so bland, we needed to eat out more and just have a little fun. Just because we are super heroes doesn't mean we can't do normal things on a daily basis. After all, it was what we deserved for working so hard everyday. I wanted a day with just Harry and I so that we could reconnect.

I decided to take him to the mall to do some shopping. Harry had an endless supply of clothes in his closet but he'd never turn down going shopping. Then after we could do something fun, maybe go to the movies. I haven't been to one of those things in a while, we never really had time for them, but we could make some time for it today. I just hope some asshole doesn't ruin it by making a poor and thoughtless decision today. I look for Harry, who I soon find sitting on the couch with an open book held in his hands. Though it didn't seem like he was actually looking at the book, let alone reading it. I quietly come up behind him, leaning over the back of the couch and planting a kiss on his cheek. He jumps slightly, startled before realizing it was me and then relaxes.

"You scared me." He says. I smile briefly before coming to sit next to him, pulling him into my arms causing the book to fall from him hands.

"Sorry," I say planting another kiss on his cheek, before I pull back to look at him. "How do you feel about maybe going shopping today?" I asked, eyeing him. Harry purses his lips shrugging slightly.

"I don't know Li, I kinda already have more than enough clothes." He replies. I narrow my eyes at him, before giving him a look of confusion.

"But I thought you loved shopping." I say, frowning.

"I do, but-" I cut him off by pulling away and tilting my head.

"But what?"

"I don't know, just doesn't seem like a day to go shopping." He says, looking at me with an uncertain look in his eyes. I restrain to urge to grumble annoyingly, and instead lean away from him a little and sit back into the couch.

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