I took a depression nap

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A rant :
Why are people so disrespectful to my iconic skinny queen Raini Rodriguez.Like y'all just mad that y'all can't speak Spanish and sing her iconic music 😤 . Fiesta salsa, you guys should stfu and not disrespect the skinny icon 🙃🙄. She's a whole bad bitch y'all could never be a bomb ass manager as she was in Austin and Ally.I fucking hate Ally like this fucking bitch can fall.This bitch had the vocals of a dying cat smfh. Fucking Austin tho hmm do I even need to talk like a whole daddy💦💦 😤💦🥖💇‍♀️🙏🏼🙃💔. Ally  never tried getting the whole sex god Austin like stupid bitch.I hope she falls down the fucking stair swith her fucking shitty ass vocals.The fucking man who is like  in a bikini singing his iconic song " I wanna tickle your ass with my tongue" like ye a whole ass granddaddy💦😍 . wow smh I miss him he dead lmao HPV. His voice cured my ass cancer.
Anywhoreee Ally can really go eat Raini the iconic queen's ass...Yo the fucking redhead in the show was a fucking fashion icon don't fucking fight me on it like his tall ass ginger soulless flat ass is the only being who can mix purple and green together fucking fashion god .. anywhere I'm done with this rant y'all can eat Rainis thick juicy ass😊💦😍🎂🍑.
The end Ally if you're reading this you soulless long necked ass stupid bitch bet you gag on a dick I hope you fall down the stairs fucking can't play shit OMFG I REALLY DON'T LIKE HER FUCKING THOT Buh Bye 😤💦.

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