Chapter 2 - United

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POV. Harry

I really didn't expect this! I mean she never told me!!

Sorry I guess I probably should tell you the story from the beginning.

My Mom has a twin brother... they got seperated when they were little, at this time, it was war time, and she never really told me if they gave her away or if they lost her. Anyway I'm mad at my so-called grandparents! How can someone live with the thought to have a lost child? Unbelievable!

Ok sorry I need to calm down, I promised.

So here I am... in the car ... on my way to meet our "family" . At the beginning I really didn't wanna meet them, but Gemma and my step-dad Robin persuaded me to support her. UGH

Anyway when she is happy with it... I'm happy too. :) I just hope that they aren't assholes. But Gemma also interruped this thought with, "This wasn't this family fault, this family which we gonna meet now, also lost his twin sister. We won't meet "our grandparents". I needed to abort a giggle. She also doesn't like our lovely grandparents. -.-

"Mom", I asked.

"Yes Harry?", she answered suprised. Because I didn't gave a sound from me since we are in the car.

"Do they have kids? How do they look like? Did you talk with them before? How older are they? Where we gonna meet them? Do they know about me? Can I leave after?"

Gemma interrupted my questions, "Harry chill down we gonna see."

Ugh, I really do love my sister but sometimes she is such a wiseacre.


POV. Lorena

WOW. I was really shocked. I mean I really didn't thought that he ever gonna find her. o_O 
I don't know how, but he did. 

Since he phoned with his "twin sister" and made up an encounter, he is diffrent! 

He is so nervous... walking the house up and down... we have 4 floors in our house.. and he is walking or maybe running them up and down in an hour like 10 times. This gesture is making me really aboi! 

You maybe should know that I am a shy person but i have a realllly, realllyyy distinctive character. ^^

"I'm leaving, I'm at Alex's house", I yelled into the living room where my mom was.
"But...", she started to get me back. "Don't worry mom I will be back at  6pm...they gonna be here at 6.30pm ... I won't be late." -.-

With this words I left our house. Ohh I forot to tell you about Alex? He is my boyfriend *__* The best boyfriend ever. Some people told me that he is a player.. but he is carring me like a princesse and he is the whole time really cute to me. 


At Alex's House

I I knocked at the door and his mother opened me. She is a really lovely woman and i truly like her. :)
"Hey Lorena", she greeted me. "Hey Nora, is Alex here?" "Yes he is in his room." "Thank you."

What happened now.. I really didn't expect. I knocked at his door. I hear a "Come in." And opened the door. "What are you doing here?", he yelled at me with a slice of abhorrence. "", I stotterd.
"Leave me alone!!!", he shouted at me. With tears in my eyes i turned aroud and left his house without saying a word. 

Before I realised where I was going...I was already standing in the front garden of Cara's house. "Lorena? What are you doing here? Are you okay?" I told he the whole story....and the tears stream down my face.
After a long tattle with her, I left her house with a smile on my face. She always knows how to make me feeling better. 

I was in my thoughts when I finally arrived my house and I was really shocked when I saw a black Audi in our driveway...SHIT I was to late! ugh my dad gonna be mad at me.

Hastily I run the last few steps to our door and opened it... well i wanted to be quiet.. but it looks like they all waited of me....

OMG am I in the wrong house? Or is this really my cousin? 
I was standing in the doorway kinda frozen.


POV. Harry

As we finally arrived their house... my mom was freaking nervous. Gemma, Robin and I tried to calm her down, without success.
After many tears and hugs between my new "uncel" and my mum we went all in the living room. I don't know why but Luke, this was my uncel's name, told me that he already saw me somewhere...hmm I guess from where but I'm also not sure if he knows who I am.. coz my cousin Vanessa is listening to music like AC/DC, so is her twin brother Kevin. 
After an hour an other girl came into the doorway..well she didn't really went through.. coz she is now standing there... frozen...and her mouth is wide open... 
I guess she knows me.

"Lorena, where were you? You are an hour to late!" said her dad. Lorena this have to be my other new cousin. "I was at Alex's house but we had a fight so I left and I went to Cara" "You shouldn't meet Alex! Didn't you listen to me?"  wow Luke seems to be really mad. hmm I really wanna know some stuff about this Alex boy.. coz Lorena looks really breakable.

She finally closed her mouth and gave her father an angry sight.


3 months later (sorry guys for this time jump but it seemed to get kinda bored... I only wanted to write their first met down) :)

POV. Harry

"HAROLD !!" this was my cousins voice behind me.  „They let me move in!!!“ „Really?“, I asked happily. „Yeesssss.“ I know that I don’t know her for a long time.. but we are really close.. she is like a sister to me.. I can really tell her everything.. and I guess she is telling me kinda everythig too.

I totally missed her smile and laugh. Poor girl. She had some really tuff weeks. Her so-called boyfriend… I never liked him… cheated on her on her birthday! Could this be any worse? Her lovely sister Vanessa told her parents about the secret party and last but not least her bestfriend Cara, will move from the suburb into the city. But they wont be sepearted for long.. coz now she will live with me.  

The main reason was coz her parents are going on an world tour and seriously..I love Kevin and Vanny but Lorena wouldn’t bear up one day with them.^^

So here we are now in my living room…still happy and thinking about how we gonna set up her room.
But there is one more thing I need to talk about with her… to be honest there are 2 things…..


This was chapter 2 :) Ik I have some grammar mistakes :/ I guess I will overwrite this story once if you guys likes it . :) ♥

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