Chapter One.

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You could say that Chan was the quiet type. Never in his life had he experienced any type of stereotypical high school drama. He had a small group of friends and was content with the life he had.

But now he had been elected as school president; meaning there was no hiding in the shadows anymore. It was time for him to start participating in things, such as school dances and football games which happened to be two of the things he absolutely hated.

This year would include a lot of socialising and interaction. But maybe it won't be all that bad.....

Chans POV.

"Bang Chan!!" The principal announced, people started clapping and gesturing for me to go up. I awkwardly stood up, making my way up to the stage.

You see the truth is, there's no way I would ever want to be school president. If anything it's my own personal version of hell. If it hadn't been for my stupid friends this wouldn't have happened. My school didn't really take this kinda stuff seriously, if you wanted to be school president all you had to do was enter your name and wait and see if you got enough votes. One of my friends going by the name of Han Jisung thought it would be funny to enter my name without me even knowing. A bet he didn't think I would actually win.

Mr Lee, our principal, nodded at me saying 'good job'. I sighed and walked up the the mic, looking at the hundreds of people before me. My hands got sweaty and my heart sped up. I felt like I was suffocating. More perks of social anxiety; extreme stage fright.

"Um, I'm really uh ... thankful, yeah thankful um" I took a breath, trying to think of things to say that won't make me look like a complete idiot. Someone from the crowd whistled so I just laughed and went back to struggling to talk.

"I will try my best this year" I concluded and bowed, walking off stage. I sat down next to Seungmin and Jeongin as they giggled at what just happened.

"Shut up it's your fault this happened" I said, elbowing Seungmin.

"Me?! It was Jisung who submitted your name!" He pushed me back and Jeongin continued laughing like the brat he is.

"But you still voted." I mumbled under my breath.

Finally the assembly was over and it was time for our third classes.

Me, Seungmin and Jeongin met up with our other friends Changbin, Jisung and Woojin and walked to our lockers together.

"Hey Mr president" Jisung hit my shoulder and laughed. I just shook my head and continued ignoring them. I was too tired to deal with any of them.

We all went our separate ways, Me and Woojin headed to our math class, probably my least favourite class, because apart from me and Woojin, the rest the class was made up of shallow jerks who play sport and hook up with girls to hide the fact that they're a permanent disappointment to their parents.

As expected, I was greeted with the sight of the schools biggest lowlife, Lee Minho, making out with a girl on a desk. Worst of all, my desk.

He pulled away and grinned at me. "Oh hey prez, sorry about that, they get a bid needy sometimes" he said and the girl got off the desk, punching his arm and walking away.
"Awe come on babe I was just kidding!" He called out to her, a smile on his face, obviously not caring.

"God they're so dramatic, but anyways, heres your desk back" He smiled, walking to the back of the class to sit with his friends Felix and Hyunjin. Woojin sent him a glare and sat down at the desk next to mine.

I was used to Minho's "friendly" harassment at this point. Out of all the people at this school, it was him who I hated the most. He didn't care about anyone but himself, all he did was hurt people, lead them on and pretend to love them, then completely rip out their heart and not give a single care in the world. He did it to my friend Jisung last year, Jisung was a mess for weeks and less than day later Minho had already found his next victim.

After a good hour of torture, class was finally over and I made my way over to the school council room. I honestly had no idea how to be school president, but hopefully I would find out today.

I walked in, people looked up, already making me feel uncomfortable. I awkwardly cleared my throat and sat down.

"Okay so now we're just waiting for one person" Mrs Roh sighed and looked through the papers in front of her. There was an empty spot next to me and I couldn't help but wonder who it could be. The other students in the council I didn't really know that well but I also knew they weren't bad people.

After about 5 minutes the door finally opened and everyone sighed in relief of not having to wait any longer.

"Minho, thank you for finally joining us" Mrs Roh said. I swear my head spun fast it could have fallen off.

Sure enough, I turn around and there he is, a smirk on his face.

"Sorry for being late miss, I had some business to attend to" He said as he sat down next to me. "Yeah right" I mumbled, moving my chair over so he wasn't as close to me. He must have noticed because he laughed and moved his chair over closer to mine.

The whole meeting I chose to ignore him and his dumb comments on everything the teacher said. Something good that did happen though is finding out that I don't really have to do that much. We will have two council meetings a week and pretty much all I had to do is help organise things and make up issues we need to resolve.

"So has anyone got any things they've noticed around the school that needs attending to?" Mrs Roh asked, looking to us for ideas.

"Well I think we have a vermin problem" I said, looking Minho dead in the eye.

"Well I will get that seen to as soon as possible, you're all dismissed" She stood up excitedly, probably happy to finally have gotten something out of these dumb meetings.

Since we missed lunch we had permission to sit in the library for 20 minutes and eat.

I made my way their quickly, finding a table in the corner and getting out my lunch box. I got out my phone and checked my notifications.

I looked up when I heard someone sit down at my table, my favourite person.

"Leave" I said, he knew I couldn't stand his presence, this was all funny to him. "Rude, if you actually looked around you would see that there's nowhere else to sit so I guess you're stuck with me Channie" Minho grinned, stealing my apple. We sat there in silence, Minho enjoying MY apple and me going through twitter.

"Why are you even in the student council? You don't really seem like the type" I asked. "Well, no that you would know or care but my dads the principal and thinks it would be good for me apparently" He shrugged, throwing the apple core across the room and somehow perfectly getting it in a bin.

"Okay" I said, picking up my stuff and standing up. "Where are you going?" Minho asked. "Back to Australia, so I don't have to put up with you any longer" I called back, walking out of the door.

And thus begun the start of something no one suspected.

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