Part 17 - Ellie's revenge

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Two months later.
Ellie's point of view.

This place really does feel like prison. It is even nicknamed 'Prison School' by everyone,something I've learned recently.

Only you don't get handcuffed like in a prison. But they treat us like children. As if drawing pictures about my past experiences will help me.

At least two good things have come from being stuck in this hellhole. I've made myself two very strange and extraordinary friends.

Margot Roberts being the first friend I made. She is my cellmate. My other cellmate's sentence was reduced and she was free to go. That's when I met Margot.

She has red and black coloured hair which blends into each other

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She has red and black coloured hair which blends into each other. Notable freckles appear on her cheeks. Margot is also semi-goth and spends lots of her time listening to alternative rock music. And she sports red framed glasses.

Even Margot admitted this place took some getting used to. As she mentioned it wasn't easy to remove your clothes and shower with twenty other women.

I think the main reason Margot and I became friends was due to the similar circumstances we were brought here.

She had survived a brain tumor,recently. The chemotherapy had obviously made her sick and cranky. One day her ex fiancé called her crazy and she drove him over with a car.

Instead of going to jail he asked that she be rehabilitated here,but shortly after left her.

And we both had a grudge against men.

During lunch break ...

Ellie's point of view ...

It was our lunch break and Margot and me always sits under one of the big old oak trees,eating lunch on our laps.

"So,Rory and Emil," she suddenly says out of the blue.

"What about them?" I ask taking a bite of my sandwich.

"We'll, you clearly have a grudge against them and every time they try and visit,they get thrown out," she chuckles under her breath.

"I rather not see them while in here or I might kill one of them and go to real jail," I say jokingly.

"But serious, I suggest you take your revenge," she smirks.

"That does sound like a good idea," I point out.

"Make 'em squeal,crawl and mostly make 'em regret it!"

Margot and I sat quietly eating the rest of our lunch until it was time to head back inside. Ugh! Do they have to heard us like sheep?

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