Blue eyes - Castiel x Reader

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Blue eyes - Castiel x Reader

Just as every day you locked the small cafe you worked at and made your way to your home. Today had been no exception and just as every other day you had to serve only a few costumers, making you feel bored out of your mind. But then again your work was boring itself. Never anything new or exiting happened, but at least it gave you enough money to make a living; so you didn't complain.

You said goodbye to your co-worker, Maria, and you closed all the lights after having cleaned the tables and grabbed your umbrella. You got out and turned to lock the door, you put the keys in your bag and opened your umbrella.

You stepped away from the door and made your way into the rain, hugging your coat closer to yourself as you walked towards your home. It wasn't far away so luckily you wouldn't get soaked up to the bone. But just so that you were sure, you decided to take a short route in order to get there more quickly.

You made your way through a backstreet and walked towards the direction of your house when a noise made you stop. You turned on your left to look at something, or more specifically someone, curled up at a corner; trying to protect themselves from the cold of the rain.

You walked a few steps closer to the person and bowed a little so that you had a better look "Uhm are you ok?" you asked as you hesitantly put a hand on the person's shaking shoulder.

He suddenly reacted and turned his head upwards so that he would look at you and so could you. But as soon as you looked into his so bright and beautiful blue eyes you found yourself unable to do or say anything.

"A-are y-you ok sir?" you said after a while as you kept gazing at his mesmerizing blue eyes.

"I-I don't know..." he said in a rough voice and looked down and you could see all pain that had filled those beautiful blue eyes.

You felt him shake even more from the cold as you looked at his blue eyes glisten, was he about to cry. Maybe no, but he surely had cried before since his eyes were red.

"Come with me" you said in a low tone and he hesitantly looked up at you; frowning.

"What?" he asked and frowned even more, looking completely confused.

"Come with me, I can help you... If you want to" you said with a reassuring smile and rubbed his shoulder. He looked at your hand that was resting there as if contemplating what to do.

All he did was look up at you and slowly nodded.

You smiled at him and helped him stand up "My home is just three blocks away, you think you can make it?" you asked and all he did was nod.

"Alright then" you said and wrapped your free arm around him, and it wasn't till then that you realized how much he was shaking. He wrapped his arms around your waist to hold tightly as if he was holding to his dear life.

And you both made your way towards your apartment.

It took you more time to reach your place as you walked more slowly since he was really tired and seemed to have difficulty in even standing up, not to mention walking.

You unlocked apartment's door and got in, after dropping the umbrella at some corner. Your apartment was not anything special but had plenty of space for you and lots of small rooms that you had found the exact use fr each one of them.

You slowly both walked to the couch and sat down but you quickly got up and made your way to the bathroom. Shortly after that you got out with the first aid kit in your hands. You checked him for any wounds or something and luckily he just had a few minor ones. Once you took care of them you returned the kit to its place and got back to him.

"So, uhm, I was wondering if you are hungry then maybe I can get you something. What would you like?" you asked and rubbed your neck nervously.

"I uh I don't know, anything..." he in his usual tone.

"Ok then, how about some burgers and fried potatoes?" you asked and suddenly sparked his interest.

"I would like that very much!" he said and for the first time smiled a little bit; making your own smile widen.

"Good then, I'm bringing them right away" you said smiling and quickly made your way to the kitchen. After a while you returned and set the food to the table along with the drinks.

"Ok, it is not homemade but we make them at the cafe I work so I can assure you the quality is as good as the taste, so I hope you enjoy it!" you said as you both sat  and started eating, him much more eagerly than you.

"It is really tasty indeed" he said like an exited child, his eyes sparkling and made you giggle.

"Well that's good" you said and took a bite of your burger.

Silence fell for a while but you soon broke it.

"So uhm how..." you paused for a while, not sure if you should ask but then continue "How come you ended up there, where I found you?" you said but as soon as you saw all the pain that flashed through his beautiful blue orbs you quickly added "I mean, if you want to tell me. If not it's ok... sorry for asking anyway..." you said in a rush and looked down at your food; your face flushed a little bit.

"No it's ok, just..." he cleared his throat "Just a really bad story, that's all..." he said and took another bite of his burger and silence fell once again, but he soon broke it.

"I lost everything..." he said making you look up at him frowning.

You tilted your head at the side and looked at him with sadness and after a while he took a deep breath and looked up at you too. His great blue orbs looking into your (e/c) eyes, as if he was reading your soul not sure whether to go on or not.

And he did "I lost everyone and everything I had, I made the big mistake of trusting someone I shouldn't and..." he stopped and looked down at his food filled with sorrow.

"Go on" you said in a low voice and brought your hand to rest on his and he looked at them puzzled before his eyes met yours and you gave him a reassuring smile.

"I should have. And my mistake caused grief, pain and sorrow to my whole family. I caused them pain and they along with me lost everything they had. Because of me. And now... I don't have anything, anyone." he said and looked down; about to cry.

"No that's not the case" you said and he looked up at you confused "You always, no matter what, have someone by your side..." you paused realizing that you had not yet asked him his name.

"Uhm it's Cas" he said as soon as he realized the reason that you had paused.

You nodded smiling "Beautiful name, mine's (y/n)" you said and he gave you another rare smile.

"Yours is really beautiful too, it suits you" he said and you blushed; looking down at your hands that you had withdrawn at your lap; playing with your fingers.

"Thanks" you said shyly. After a while you cleared your throat and looked up at him "Ok so uhm, as I was saying, Cas, you're never alone. You always ave someone by your side, even if you don't know it." you said and he frowned not understanding what you meant.

You chuckled slightly and continued "What I mean is that you always have someone by your side that will take care of you... your guardian angel, Cas. We all have one" you said smiling sweetly at him.

"I highly doubt it" he said and looked down at his hands.

"Well I don't" the determination in your voice made him look up at you again.

"Cas, even though you may not believe in such things and have lost faith, I'm telling you not to. Cas, I'm more than sure that you do have a guardian angel by your side that takes care of you" you said smiling warmly at him.

He looked at you for a moment and then shook his head "Even if I had one I'm sure that he would have left and hate me like everyone else" he said his eyes full with pain.

"Well now I highly doubt it!" you said in serious voice tone though still laughing "If your guardian angel had given up on you then who would have sent me to take care of you hm?" you said smiling even more, cheering him up.

"Ok now enough with talking, eat your food and I'm going to find some clothes for you to wear after you have a shower, ok?" you said and he nodded.

You got up and left to put the leftovers on the fridge, in case you got hungry later. After that you went through your closet to see if your ex had forgotten any clothes that you might use, after all it hasn't been long ago since you broke up and hoped that you might find some of his clothes forgotten. Luckily he had forgotten some.

You took them and went to the living room to find Cas finished with his meal.

"Ok Cas. So here are some clothe you can use and there is enough hot water in the shower for you and you can take all of your time. Here you go." you gave him the clothes and went to pick up the plate "Oh and once you're done, if you're tired and want to sleep, you can use the small  room over there. "you said pointing to the door on your right.

"It is small but has a bed and a few books if you want to pass time. Then again if you are not sleepy and want anything else I will be in the room next to it." you said pointing to the door next to the guest room and he nodded.

"Thanks" he said in response.

"It's ok, now go take a shower. It will help you relax." you said smiling and he nodded with a smile too, as he made his way towards the bathroom.

As he entered you took the plate and glass and made your way to the kitchen.

~*~ Time Skip ~*~

After he took a shower and got dressed in the clothes you gave him, Cas exited the bathroom. He made his way towards the room you had told him he could use but stopped when he heard your muffled voice from the room that was next to it.

"Agh this is wrong I have to redo it... why do I keep messing it..." he heard you say.

He contemplated whether he should go to sleep or knock on the room's you were in door and ask you what was wrong, he decided to do the second one.

Slowly and hesitantly he turned to the other door and knocked it. You didn't respond at first after he heard a few muffled sounds of things being moved he heard your voice saying "Come in" and he did.

He opened the door not sure what to expect but what he came face to face with made his eyes widen in surprise,wonder and awe.

Although the room was small all of the painting either on the walls, ceiling or even the floor made it look so... majestic. 

Wherever he looked he could see something painted. On the floor there beautiful white, orange, slightly red, yellow, light pink and purple clouds drawn. And so where on the low ceiling of the room, with several rays of what seemed to belong to a hidden sun coming through them making it look as if the room had no ceiling and that it was the real sky. And in the walls there were painted clouds with... were there angels on them? Yes, angels. There were angels on them. Some of them older and others younger, like small children, and all of them looked so peaceful, just enjoying the day, each others company, the sun, the beauty of life.And even the door was painted from the inside looking similar to heaven's gates.

And it felt... so real. It reminded him of how once heaven was. Before the war, before his fall before everything. Heaven that he would miss so much. Heaven that-

"Cas? Are you ok?"  you said putting your hand on his shoulder making him jump slightly as he turned to look at you.

"Uhm yeah, yeah I'm fine." he said reassuringly.

"Good" you said smiling and he turned to look not only at the room that was painted but also at the several paintings that you had at the corners. There you had not only painted only angels but also nature and gardens with beautiful plants as well as animals, and even a waterfall.

"You like them?" you asked from behind Cas that had not stopped looking at your paintings since the moment he entered.

"Yes very much so" he said in amazement as he stood in front of the painting that you had set in the very center of the room, your favorite one.

It was the biggest one out of all and had only a sole figure in the middle. The figure was completely black, but it seemed to be a man, with two big wings spread behind him resting on the ground below him. Next to him was a tree that was black along with the place he was standing at, as if everything was a shadow and was at the same time not illuminated by the sun that was setting, full of red, orange and yellow colors that made the lake have the same ones. 

Cas kept looking at the painting when his eyes fell upon the figure's face. He couldn't see the outline of his characteristics very well but he surely could see his eyes.

Bright blue eyes.

Cas kept staring at the eyes of the figure for a while before you spoke "My father used to talk to me about him." you said and he turned to look at you.

"He would talk to me about all of the angels in heaven, and even gave me a book them. My favorite chapter was him." you said pointing at the figure of the painting " That's why my father would tell me a lot about him, I had taken a liking in him since I was a little girl." you finished and looked at the painting smiling.

"His name is Castiel" you whispered and Cas turned to look at you suddenly.

You chuckled lightly "You might have not heard about him ever before but... that's why he is my favorite. Not many know about him, he... is unique." you smiled even more.

"My father told me everything he knew about him and I just feel like I began to know him too, you know" you shrugged a little.

Cas kept looking at you as if trying to read and he spoke "You seem as if you care about him even though you do not know him..." he said frowning.

"Well even angels need someone to take care of them..." you said smiling warmly "Besides..." you continued "I would give anything to meet him... anything...".

"But you know that if you saw his true form then your eyes would burn, you would lose your sight..." he said looking a little bit concerned.

You just shrugged as if you didn't care; still smiling "It would be worth, if I knew that the last thing that I saw, the last image that I would have before everything went black, would be his beautiful blue eyes ... his grace..." you said looking from the blue eyes f the painting to Cas's blue ones.

"His grace?" asked you looking once again puzzled.

"Yes his grace, eyes are like the windows of the soul and while looking into them anyone can see somebody's soul and in this case, grace..." you took in a breath.

"And what if he had lost his grace?" he asked you once again and you look at him.

You chuckled a little bit "Well if I looked him in the eyes, like I look at you now and was seeing the same beautiful blue color that you have I would tell him that as long as his eyes shone this bright blue as yours do now then he would never lose his grace... because they showed that he still had his hope and love..." you said and before you realized it your hand was cupping his cheek.

You stood there for a while just staring at each others when you suddenly felt him leaning in more when he was just a few inches away from you "Thank you (y/n)" he said.

"For what?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.

"For giving me my hope back... my grace..." he said and you felt his soft and sweet lips touch yours and you saw his beautiful blue eyes shine even more bright blue as you closed yours and you both brought your hands to cup each others faces...

...and he closed his bright blue eyes feeling his grace come back and envelope him like a sweet kiss...

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