The Lucky Me Specialty

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This is a tale of how the pancit CUPton was MADE!

There I was... Looking for something to eat.
THEN! I wanted Pancit Canton ,But I was too lazy to do that much work for just a spaghetti with spicy calamansi flavor...
I wanted something easier
I wanted something not much work to do
I wanted something like...
LUCKY ME! (Its a brand about a cup that you put hot water then leave it for some time then it will be cooked just like that)
So i thought of something crazy...
I thought of something like easy to do
Then I was craving for pancit canton

I was thinking of LUCKY ME and PANCIT CANTON...
So i thought lets mix it up a bit

I did all I did all i could then i accidentally put chemical X...
(That didnt happened)

( -,-) <-- Me making the
/|_|√    legendary PANCIT CUPTON
|  |

At the end I always knew that it was worth it...
Not doing much work and eating my favorite meal TOGETHER.

Then thousands of times trying , dozens of time failing ,I always have my hopes... Then it was always that one time when everything worked and I have finished the legendary meal

                    PANCIT CUPTON

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