Try It Again A Lady Antebellum Fanfic

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  It was the winter after Charles had just been married to his new wife Cassie. She was stunningly beautiful with her blonde hair and blue eyes. They had hit it off so quickly they got married right away. He met her 6 months after Hillary had called it quits with him. You could say Cassie was a rebound, but he loved her. Or so he thought.

  "Hey Babe are you coming to the show tomorrow?" Charles asked his Wife Cassie as they spoke on the phone. "Sorry hun I can't make it, i've got work. Next show i swear. " She replied innocently. "Ok. Bye." Charles said hanging up before she could say bye. He wondered if he had made the right descion. He still had feelings for Hillary.... But this is crazy. He loves Cassie.

"Hey you okay?" Hillary said walking up to Charles. "Yea, I'm fine. Why would you think that?" He whispered hoping his feelings weren't obvious. "She can't make it again can she?" She said as if reading his mind. "H-How did you know?" He studered. "We are on a tour bus.... I can hear you ya know." She smiled at him. Her smiles gave him the strength to go on. "I'm fine." he smiled back at her.

Recently Hillary had been devistated about breaking up with Charles. It was the worst desicion she had ever made. Then he announced his wedding so soon after their break up. It broke her heart to see that He had moved on so fast. But what they say is, if you love something let it go. And if it comes back its love. I guess it just wasnt meant to be.

"Hey hills can I talk to you about something?" Charles asked breaking her thoughts, "Sure anything. " She replied, her thoughts going wild wondering what he had to say. "I don't think its going to work out between me and Cassie. I thought she was the one for me but... shes changed so much." Charles said with the biggest frown on his face. Why was he having second thoughts? Could there be someone else or was it just Cassie being her stuck up self. She never did like Her, and shes making Charles feel like this.

Hillary didnt say anything. She just sat there with this look on her face. "Hills?" Charles said in a worried tone. "Oh.. um sorry. Lost in thought I guess. Whats wrong? Tell me everything." She replied in a firm voice. She was so strong and always a listening ear. Everytime they talked his love grew stronger. "She hasnt been to my shows since before the wedding. Shes been busy with "work" and never supports me. I don't know if I loved her as much as a did then...." He replied."

Didn't love her as much as he did then? Was he falling for someone else? Who?? "If shes not what you expected, leave her. Your wife should treat you as an equeal...... as your very best friend." She said looking up into his eyes, findind charles already looking into hers. Charles was her very best friend, the main man in her life. Then Cassie came along and replaced her. She was nobody's girl anymore. She was alone.

The way Hillary said "Your very best friend" then looked in his eyes made him feel like she had the same feelings for him. But that obviously wasn't true, She dumped him. He could only dream of finding a way to tell her she was the love of his life. "Thats it. I have to devorce her. I cant do this anymore." Charles said.

Hillary felt bad for feeling over whelmed with joy, but this was her second chance. She would not let him slip away from her this time. "Do you want me to go with you to file the devorse?" Hillary shyly asked. "Nah its fine. Stay with Dave, Wouldn't want you to get in any trouble while im gone." He said with a smile and kissed her on the forehead, got up and walkd out the door. He was so protective of her, It just made her heart melt. 

"Dave wake up! I need to talk to you." She shook dave in his bunk, he always slept so late. "What is it Hills? Wheres Charles?" Dave inquired. 'Hes going to file a devorce with Cassie. She just isnt the one for him. Anyways i need to tell you something." She said talking fast and quiet, afraid Charles would come back. "Yes?" She sat there not saying anything for a minute or two. " I... I think i'm in love with charles." She said looking down with despair.

"Really?" Dave asked. "You think i'm lying?" Hillary said as a tear fell down her cheek, not able to hold it in anymore. "No I do its just that... Charles has been talking a lot about you since the wedding. He... has feelings for you too." Dave said. Hillary's heart began to beat faster. Dave never lied.... what if charles loved her too?

Charles came back later that day feeling like a new an. Although it wasnt official yet, he felt free. "Hey Hills, whats up?" Charles asked seeing Hillary sitting on the couch with a blank expression. Her eyes looked as if they were in another world, She had been in deep thought it appeared. "Oh hey. Kelli cancled on me for a girls night so... Nothing I guess." She said sadly. "Well i was thinking... maybe we could hang out?" He asked. "Dinner and a movie?"    "Yes I'd love to! Get the car keys."

She and Charles decided on seeing some romance movie, Hillary's idea of course. A while after the movie started, they ran out of pop corn. She put the empty box on the floor and tried to enjoy the movie. How could she? She was madly in love with the guy sitting next to her and she didn't know how he felt. Then suddenly she felt a hand grab hers. She looked over at Charles and he had held her hands. "You seem worried." He whispered. "You wanna go?" 

She nodded and they walked out of the theater, still hand in hand. When they got out Charles asked "Where do you wanna go?" She thought what she wanted to do. "I have an idea, come with me." She said pulling him along to the car. She began to drive not telling Charles where they were headed. 

Hillary looked as if she had a lot on her mind to night, like she was determinded to do something. But what? "Where are we going?" Charles chuckled. "You'll see." Hillary replied with a smile. A few minutes later they pulled up at the park. "You wanted to go to the park? At night? You're so random." Charles laughed. He hadn't been this happy in a long time. Hillary pulled him along under some tree. "My mom use to take me here when i was little." She said with a whisple look in her eyes. She looked over at him. "I have to tell you something." She said.

Hillary knew she had to tell him or she would go insane. Charles sat waiting for her to go one. "Theres... something i've been trying to tell you. Please, don't freak out when i tell you." She closed her eyes and spilled everything out. "Charles... I think I... May be in love with you."

Charles was stunned at what she said. She had felt the same. He brushed his fingers threw her hair. "Open your eyes." He whispered. She opened them and saw Charles leaning in to kiss her. She leaned in to him too, feeling like this was a dream. That was the best kiss they had ever had. "I loved you too. I never stopped loving you." He said leaning in to kiss her again.

2 months later Charles perposed to Hillary because they were so in love. Their wedding was going to be April 18th 2010. Hillary picked out a beautiful satin dress. She would curl her hair, because Charles liked it best like that. Dave was his best man, Kelli was her best woman. This would be a wedding no one would ever forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2012 ⏰

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