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Just so you guys know, this one will be following the series loosely (fairly closely though) after this chapter. I hope you like it.

I was in middle school when we first got in contact. We were assigned pen pals in America so that our friend circle wasn't just restricted to the UK. I was assigned to a girl from Cleveland, Ohio named Nina Martin. We started writing to each other on a daily basis, mainly talking about  stuff going on in our lives. We'd also talk about our likes, dislikes, friends, family, and stuff like that. I found out that, like me, she lost her parents at a young age and was raised by her grandmother. In my case, I stayed with her until they deemed her insane and sent her to a nursing home. Nina still lives with her gran. I just wish it was the same way with me. Unfortunately, I now live in a place closer to the airport with Aunt Kate, who hates me with a burning passion for no reason. So, if I was to go to high school at this boarding school that granny donated the house to, I'd have to take the train there. Of course, I got accepted there. Kate told me to pack my shit and go to the station. Nina texted me the same day, telling me that she's already here and that I can just meet her outside to catch the train now. I told Kate that I was leaving. She didn't care. Surprise, surprise. NOT. She never cared for me. The only reason that she took me in was because it was granny's request. I saw a dirty blonde with her suitcase on the platform. "Nina!" I hollered across the platform. "Violet!" Nina called out to me. We dropped our luggage and ran to each other, meeting in a hug in the middle. We had sent photos of ourselves to each other a while back.  "I can't believe that after three years of talking online and texting and all that stuff, we're finally meeting and going to the same school!" I exclaimed. "I know! I'm so excited!" she stated. We grabbed our stuff and boarded the train, getting ready for the next step in our lives.

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