1.|Walls to bastards

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El stood behind Jo as she cut her hair, lately it had become irritatingly long and covered half her face, the blonde chunks fell to the white and black tiled floor. "I just wish I could do something about it ," Jo complained and El rolled her eyes again hoping that Jo hadn't seen it through the mirror. She was insisting , no , she was complaining about how she couldn't bring herself to talk to some corky highschool bad ass - Lyl Beckerson. El knew they were teenagers and adolescence was bound to happen and was inevitable but she couldn't understand why Jo was so drawn to him, he was as annoying to the core as he was good looking - that even made it worse. El sighed pitying her half sister for being so naïve. "You could help me, I read your senior year schedule last night -," El didn't like where this was going. She raised a bushy brow at her sister and halted what she was doing. " And ?"she questioned cautiously.

"- and you have the same subjects so you could help, you know get his attention, " Jo said, turning her head upwards to look at her sister's reaction. El cursed why she'd allowed Jo to get hold of her schedule and furthermore she cursed Jo for being so obsessed with Lyl so much that she actually viewed his schedule. She probably knew how many pairs of underwear he owned.

"What? How ?" El feigned interest but all she wanted to do was get this over with and tell Jo the irrevocable truth that there was no way whatsoever - in theirs or the parallel universe - where she was going to have a chance of getting the attention of the school's most adored boy who also happened to be the soccer captain. Boy what didn't he have ? Oh! Charm. For the next few minutes, Jo kept blubbering about ideas on how she would get to Lyl through El as a bridge (most of them consisted of the cliché, 'did you happen to know I have a half sister ' fling. ) and El thought...real smooth Jo Parker. There was no way in hell El was going to go to the extremes of talking to Lyl unless necessary. She'd had stories about him, both good and bad obviously most of them dwelt on the bad. He didn't date , as rumor had it. And once you'd gotten involved with him there was no way out, unless he himself opened the door for you and willingly ushered you out himself other than that you'd be trapped with him, perishing, and not even a window would be open for you to jump out. Based on what she'd been witnessing for the last one and a half months, Jo clearly wanted to be locked up in some asylum with Lyl. Awful.

"You're crazy if you think I can walk up to Lyl and talk to him, he's too," El paused and took time to think of one word strong enough to accumulate Lyl's entire person. " - Lyl-ish for me ," she declared. Jo closed her eyes momentarily and then opened the round emerald facets to stare at El through the mirror. She desperately wanted her help and she ought to be there for her , that's what sisters did. She'd had a major crush on Lyl ever since she'd broken up with her last boyfriend who she - through absurd circumstances - had come to realise was cheating on her and she'd dumped him without much as a glance. Straight to the gutters. That tiny, sparkling crush had flourished into something more and in case she wouldn't make any move any time soon, she'd die a lonely woman with twenty eight cats living in a shanty because she hadn't adhered to her teenage hormones back in highschool. No one wants twenty eight cats. So she felt it was time to address what she felt or at least try to assuage her own feelings. What Jo didn't know was that admittance wasn't a clever way of trying to control your feelings. But a hormone - struck teenager will be what he/ she is and all decisions will be hormone - induced. El thought her sister was stupid, yeah stupid Lyl wouldn't even pay attention to her let alone even spare a glance but just to make her happy she smiled reassuringly at her and then shocked both her and herself when she said,

"I'll try ," She knew she wouldn't but lying wasn't that bad if it would give you a chance of missing a lecture on how important it was to help a sister in dire need. Satisfied, Jo pulled her freshly cut hair into a messy bun and they went down for breakfast.


El wasn't an early riser ,neither was Jo so on their first day of senior year , they were both late. El cursed as she ran through the noisy halls of Donhall High, she regretted having forgotten to set the alarm the previous night - an aftermath of the festive season . She dodged many bodies and just as she was about to reach her locker, she collided with something hard and solid. Her breath was knocked out of her and she stumbled back. As if that wasn't enough , her file flipped open and since she wasn't an orderly freak the papers were not filed. They went strewing across the floor. Pieces of her scribbled notes, in the name of a project , and her actual class notes all spluttered messily around her. She groaned so loudly she felt it ring in her ears and as she tried to come down, she stood up , brushed dirt off her new pair of Lewis jeans and decided to get a glance of the hard thing she'd hit. Apparently to her utter relief it wasn't a wall but to her dismay it was someone she didn't expect and there and then she wished that it would have been a wall because she could stand a bump on the head compared to the stupid smirk Lyl Beckerson was wearing on his face. She felt like screaming and ripping Lyl's head right out of it's position on his neck and posting it back to his parents with a note that said ,,' Hey , what a waste of sperm, ovary and clean bedsheets your son was, anyway I'm glad I could help clear up the mess .' But instead, she closed her eyes so tightly she felt them go numb and prayed for the good Lord to give her patience. Mercifully He did. "I'm sorry , I didn't see you there ," she picked up her papers , neatly stacked them and began walking away.

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