Part 10

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I woke up to a note on the pillow beside me.

*Don't worry I haven't run off this time, I'm making you some breakfast- Ry x*

This made me smile to myself. A few voices broke me from the silence in my room, one of them was very familiar and female. I slid out of bed and shuffled my way to the kitchen where the voices were coming from.

"Oh my god!" I squealed when I saw who it was.

"You two definitely hooked up last night!" I said looking between Blake and Becca. The blush that rose on her cheeks confirmed my suspicions.

"Shut up" She mumbled shyly.

"Hey I know my brother and from the looks of it your night wasn't too different to ours was it?" Blake argued.

"Shut up" It was now my turn to mumble shyly.

Blake, Ryan and Becca all laughed.

We ate breakfast together and it was nice to finally have a girls company. Ryan and Blake talked about the stupid boyish stuff like fortnite and me and Becca were planning a night out for the 4 of us.


"Is this too slutty?" My cleavage was on full show and the dress was hanging just below my bum.

Becca didn't say anything and instead she just laughed and threw a pair of silver diamante hooped earrings in my direction. Her motto is 'the bigger the hoop the bigger the hoe'. She settled on a tight black jumpsuit that clung to all of her curves and made her figure look even better than usual.

We headed towards the living room where Blake and Ryan were stood. Ryan was dressed in a tight white t-shirt that empathised his abs, that was matched with a pair of tight black ripped knee jeans, he looked hot but as soon as he put on his leather jacket her went from 10 to 100. Blake looked good but no where near as good as Ryan, he wore a pair of denim jeans and a black t-shirt.

As soon as Ryan saw me his eyes turned to lust. I walked towards him confidently with my heels clicking on the wooden floor on placed a simple kiss on his lips leaving him wanting more.

"You two need to get a room" Becca laughed grabbing a hold of Blake's hand and pulling him towards the door to the taxi that was waiting outside, Ryan and I followed hot on there heels.

When we arrived at the club, us girls hit the dance floor straight away and left the boys to go to the bar to get us some drinks.

"All the single ladies, all the single ladies, now put your hands up, up in the club just broke up doing my own little thing, You decided to dip and now you wanna trip cause another brother noticed me. I'm up on him he up on me, don't pay him any attention, cause I cried my tears for three good years you cant be mad at me... if you like it then you should of put a ring on it, don't be mad once you see that he put it if you like it then you should of put a ring on it".

Ryan snaked his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear.

"I better put a ring on it then" My jaw dropped at his words.

"Woah down tiger, bit forward aren't you" I laughed.

"It was a joke babe chill" Something about him saying this made my heart ache a little bit, I guess a little part of me wanted him to be serious, it may seem soon but I feel like we have something special.

We danced the night away occasionally swapping partners but I spent the majority of my night in the arms of Ryan.

"Stop it Ryan!" Blake shouted causing us all to stop and look at what was going on.

"Well don't be such a fucking dick then!" He yelled back. I rushed over as quickly as I could and stepped between the two of them.

"Woah, what the hell is going on now?" Becca stood beside me holding Blake back.

"Him! He ruins everything!" Blake said.

"Oh so telling you to stay away from them lads over there makes me a bad brother now does it?" Me and Becca both looked over to the gang of sketchy lads hanging around the bar.

"Brother? It seems like you are trying to take the roll of dad"

"Fuck you then if you want to be drugged, stabbed, shot, or beaten up then that's fine I guess its no longer my problem... Come on Mollie were going home" He pulled me out of the club and into one of the taxis waiting outside. The ride home was silent but I was dying to know why the two of them fight so badly. I know about the fight and Blake winning but I seems like there is a deeper issue than that.

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