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"Come on, Kacie! Just one more picture, please!" My mom was practically begging at that point and I had half a mind to slap her, well, not really, but you know what I mean. . .

My dad began to grow tired and irritated my mom's begging. He looked up from his newspaper at the kitchen table, "Kacie, let your mother take the damn photo and then come eat your breakfast before it gets cold."

"Yes, Father, but you know that I can't eat in my dress," I sighed heavily as if an British girl who was told she could not play in the rain.

I tended to patronize my parents when I was told to do something. That was only because I saw them as an authority figure and chose to treat them as such.

I am such a drama queen. . .

My mom was overjoyed, "Okay Kacie, can you pose by the fireplace? I want it to be on the card I am going to send out for you going away to college."

"What?" I was confused, "You're sending out a card? What, is there going to be a party of some sort?" I crossed my arms demanding an answer.

My mom could never hid things from me for too long; it wasn't her strong suit. She was never really skilled at keeping her mouth shut about certain things, but I loved that since I would get extra information on things. In this case, I did.

"Oh, dear. It was supposed to be a secret, hon'. We wanted you to be able to see all of your friends and family before you went to NYU. I mean, Dad and I wanted to give you a final gift before you were off as an adult," she smiled.

I uncrossed my arms and without one word, ran to my mom. I gave her a big hug, "Thanks mom," I said into her forest of curly, red hair- hair, which by the way, I inherited from her. It becomes quite a hassle all the time. I don't know how I put up with it. . .but its a love - hate relationship because red hair is unique; not many people have red hair.

Well, I dealt with people calling me "ginger" or "leprechaun" occasionally, but it didn't bother me too much anymore.

"Okay, okay, now to the mantle," she brushed me off and pointed to the fireplace.

That's my life. I have a loving mother and father and a beautiful home. I seem to have a perfect life. All AP and Honors classes, all receiving A's across the board. I'm also captain, or was captain of the cheer leading squad. My boyfriend is Trey O'Connor, not such a status symbol, but kind to the bone. We have been together since Sophomore year of high school. And that's it so far. I'm eighteen now and graduating from high school. To top it off, I'm attending NYU in the Fall for its Art Program with a full scholarship.

After my mom took the picture, she had me go upstairs and change out of my graduation dress.

The dress is a dark emerald and has a gold trim. My mom and friends secretly got it for me because I have a similar appearance of Princess Merida, the Disney princess, from Brave.

I don't deny the allegation, but it grows to be quite annoying at times and I find myself Googling photos of the princess and scrutinizing our appearance. Trey finds me to be over - dramatic and tells me, 'You look like her, so what? Just rock it- Your my princess, be brave.'

My friends think that its quite funny when they come over and find the shoe box in my closet full of my favorite pictures and memorabilia of the Disney Princesses, which is all of the princesses except Merida.

I know that I sound very childish and melodramatic, but i am tired of being teased about it. When I was little, I was Merida for Halloween four uears in a row before my mom let me be what I wanted.

To top it off, last week I found the green gown in the garage in a black dry cleaner's bag.

I was furious that they went to such lengths like that to get a good laugh!

I personally don't care much now.

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