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Today all the boys where coming over to chill. We where all gonna chill and watch some films. There was a knock on the door. I opened the door to see Louis Niall and Liam. They all hugged me as they came in except from Liam. I thought nothing of it.
"Harry's just upstairs he'll be down in a second" i explained to the boys.
"So what film are we watching first?" Nail asked.
"The notebook" Harry shouted from upstairs
We all laughed.
Harry came down the stairs with all the blankets. You were all sat on the sofa.
I felt eyes watching me. It was Liam. I thought nothing of it.
"I'll go and make some popcorn" Niall said.
"I'll go with Niall so he doesn't eat all of it" Louis laughed.
"I'll sort out the film" Harry informed
Liam was still staring at me. I went to the toilet.
What's wrong with Liam why is looking at me like that I thought to myself. I gathered my thoughts and left to go back to the others. I opened the door to find Liam staring at me again.
"Do you have a problem with me?" I asked
"I do actually, your a fake you a gold digger y/n your only dating harry for his money your only being friends and being nice to the rest of us for our money don't lie y/n we all know it your one big fake just except it Harry could do way better than you!" Liam said angrily.
"What are you on about Liam I love harry"
Liam cut me off "save it y/n"
"What the hell Liam" Harry shouted
I ran into mine and Harry's shared bedroom. I curled into a ball on my bed sobbing tears flooding my eyes,making my eyesight blurry. I heard a knock on the door.
"Don't worry it's only me Louis"
Louis was one of my best friends who I could trust with anything. He came and hugged me, I put my head into his shoulder and carried on to cry.
"Do you all think that?" I finally broke the silence
"Why would we think that? We all love you y/n especially Harry you mean the whole world to"
"I couldn't ask for a better best friend thank you Louis"
"Anyway if we didn't like you, you would know about it" Louis joked.
There was a knock at the door. It was harry.
"I'll go and check on Niall he's probably eaten all the popcorn. No one should leave that kid with a bowl of popcorn" he laughed.
"Hey are you ok sweetheart" Harry took me into a hug.
"Do you really think those things?" I asked. He took me out of his embrace and looked at me in the eyes.
"Y/n I love you with all of my heart, I'd do anything for you! Anything! I spoke to Liam, management has been pretty tough on him lately but that doesn't excuse him. He's gone home. But sweetheart trust me not one thing that left his mouth is true and I love you"
Harry pulled me into a kiss, a passionate kiss that felt like it lasted a life time.
There was a knock at the bedroom door.
"It's only us" Louis and Niall walked in.
"Oh shit sorry we interrupted something didn't we"Louis said.
Harry nodded.
We all laughed.
"Well we don't have any more popcorn as Niall ate it all but we can order in a pizza?" Louis asked.
We all agreed. Harry hugged me again.
"Come on let's go and watch the notebook"Harry picked you up and carried you up stairs
"Put me down harry" you laughed. He put you down on the sofa while he went and got the pizza from the delivery guy. He paid the delivery guy and came back to you and the boys.
"Pizza!!"Niall shouted excitedly.
"You've already eaten all the popcorn" I laughed.
Harry put the pizza down on the coffee table. He came and sat next to me and pulled a blanket over the both of us. I placed my head into the crook of his neck and he wrapped his arms around me and placed a delicate kiss on the top of my head.
"Ewww can you get a room please" Niall joked
"Shut up Niall get back to your pizza" Harry laughed.
The room fell into an obis of laughter.
"I will love you forever y/n and don't forget that" Harry whispered into my ear.
I placed a kiss on his shoulder and snuggled into his neck.

At some point I will make a part 2 to this I hope you enjoy x

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