Synchro Dimesion Part 2

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*Reborn's POV*

As he rides into the city he sees on a huge screen of a duel with Jack Atlas versing a random scrub. Reborn watches he is amazed by the duel. He grabs a kid.

Reborn: Where is that place!

The child tells him the arena.

Reborn Flys through the open stadium and lands in front of Jack.

Reborn:Hey Jack I'm here for your trown as the Master of Faster!

Announcer: Guards get him Off the Stage.

Reborn: What's wrong you scared!?

Jack: Get on your bike!

Both: Duel!!

*Action Feild Dragons Pit activated*

Reborn:I will let the former king go first

Jack: My turn I draw, I summon Red Resonator and with his effect I bring out Red Sprinter now I use my spell Card Re level and I can Change my Red resonator to level 4 now I synchro summon level 8 Scarlet Dragon Archfiend (3000 attack) I set one card and end.

Reborn:Draw *drives for an action card* *reborn grabs the action card*

Reborn:I activate the action Card Dragons Alince Sense there is a dragon on the feild I can add two dragons from my deck to my hand!

Jack:No matter What my card will be the strongest on the field.

Reborn:I add Dragon Hero Timely Dimise And Spacly Detiy Now I set them In the pendulum scale I can Now Pendulum Summon Monster between the levels of 1 and 9 all at the same time swing far pendulum and give birth to new Evil!

Jack: Evil?

Reborn:I pendulum Summon Evil Dragon Hero Sword Destructer! *Level 8 2600 Atk* And Evil Dragon Hero FlameSmasher! *Level 4 1600 Atk*

Jack: Still nothing on my 3000 attack dragon.

Reborn:Not yet Now By Discarding 1 Card My Evil Dragon Hero Sword Destructers Effect Actiavies It destroys the Monster on the feild With the Highest Attack Points!!!!

Jack: I use my trap Safe Zone I choose My Dragon he Can't be Destroyed by battle or card effects!

Reborn:Now I summon the Tuner Pendulum monster Egg Of Tunning!

Jack: Ah tuner?

Reborn:It lowers My Evil Dragon Hero FlameSmashers Level By 1 *level 3* Now I tune My Level 1 Egg of tuning with my level three FlameSmasher And Level 8 Sword Destructer 1+3+8=12 I SYNCRO SUMMON!!!!

Jack: A-a level 12!

Reborn:Appear Level 12 Evil Dragon Hero Elemental DEMON!!!!! *4000 Atk*

Jack: My monster still won't be destroyed by battle as long as it's equipped to safe zone!

Reborn:It doesn't matter Cause I'm using My monsters Special effect if it attacks a Syncro monster any damage you take is doubled!!!!


Jacks Lp 2000

Jack: Ughgghggh

Reborn:I use his effect by banishing all Dragon Hero's in My graveyard he can attack again it's over Jack I've won!!

Jack: Nooooooo!

Reborn:Attack again with elemental Burt's Death!!!

Jacks Lp 0000

Reborn:Looks like there is a new king in town Bitch!

Jack: I'll get you back just wait!

Reborn: Guards get him outta my sight!


<Meanwhile with Y/N in the high way>

Y/N rides until he sees Someone on a black duel runner when he looked closer it looked like you.

Y/N: Crow find them without me! *you turn to follow the kid that looks like you*

As you get closer you see that everything about you is the same the face the nose the height but as you look closer you see he has Blue eyes and is a Blond unlike you who has Green Eyes a Red Hair.

When you get closer he notices you and almost crashes in surprise.

Kenneth: Who are you!

Y/N: I think I'm You. Your name is Y/N( Lol that's actual pretty inconvenient)

Kenneth: No it's not. My name is Kenneth! I know your a topsider playing a trick on me well I won't fall for it let's duel!

Y/N: Fine Lets.

*You decide not to use the action field*
Kenneth Lp 4000
Y/N Lp 4000

Kenneth: My turn. I summon My Armageddon Knight( level 4) and send my Plague Spreader to the grave. I Return one card to the top of my
Deck and special summon it but it will be banished instead of going to the grave. I synchro summon Shranui Samuraisaga (2500 attack) I set one card and end my turn.

Y/N: I draw. I activate Polymerization I fuse my two dragons in hand to summon DarkVoid Dragon (2500 attack)

Kenneth: Fusion summon?!

Y/N: Now I use my Fusion Recover and add back my Eclipse and polymerization now I use it again to summon my Dark DragonKing: Lucifer! ( 3200 attack ) but that not it I contact fuse Galactic Dragon Emperor ( 5700 attack) Now attack!

Kenneth: I use negate attack!

Y/N: I set one card and end my turn thus I lose 2000 life points because of my emperors effect!

Y/N Lp 2000

Kenneth: My turn I draw! Now I activate my Zombies Fright and I can now summon Despair from the dark! Now I summon Gozuki and use his effect to se-

Police: This is the NDPD ( New Domino Police Department)

Kenneth: Welp got to go!

*he rides away and you do in the opposite direction so the cops can't chase you both, you are in the topside of the city*

Y/N*thinking*: I would've lost he hand a card that was Calling My Galactic Dragon he has like my dragon and if it's as powerful then I'll have to beat him I need to beat him cuz I'm the strongest me and no one else will be!*you see Reborn on a huge TV in the city and it shows Reborn getting a trophy and The words new king under him* Oh god What the fuck did he do!


So here's stuff for the next part.

1) Follow what happens to Reborn
2) Follow Kenneth
3) You guys pick.
4) I get to pick

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