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Alright, so this is a one-shot for the book 'The Bad Boy, Cupid, And Me' by Slim_Shady. I hope you all enjoy it...This is my first time doing a one shot, and I have convinced myself (with the help of Slim_Shady) to do this.

Here we go! I hope you enjoy!

(oh, and btw: I couldn't tell if I should have spelled Denis' name with two n's or just one, because in certain parts it has two n's and in others just one...So I did two, because it looked right to me.)


"Remind me again why you're letting her do this to you?" Valentino's voice mocked Dennis from where he was perched on the bed in Dennis' room. Pulling his head out from amidst the hangers Dennis shot Valentino a vicious glare. Valentino snickered at his frazzled expression. "What are you looking for anyways?"

"I told you already, I'm looking for a specific shirt!"


"Because I...Nevermind," Dennis finished awkwardly. He didn't want Valentino to know the real reason; he would get teased endlessly over it. Valentino was already giving him hell over the whole thing.

Ignoring Valentino's snickers from behind him, Dennis finally unearthed the gray v-neck that he had been looking for.

Dennis was nervously running his hand through his hair for what must have been the hundredth time that evening- and the girl had not even arrived yet! He wondered, again for the hundredth time, why he had agreed to do this in the first place. Dennis was not one to agree on blind dates; he would prefer to at least know who it was and what they looked like.

Allie Harper. He turned the name over in his head. Dennis had probably seen the girl somewhere around the school, but he could not remember her at all.

Still, he did have some faith in Chloe. She wouldn't set him up with someone who was completely ugly, would she? Besides, it's not like he was required to meet up with Allie again, right? So if this completely tanked, he could make sure that it didn't happen again.

Nervously, he ran his hand down the front of his shirt- v-neck, as had been specified by Chloe. It had taken him forever to find the gray v-neck from within the depths of his closet. He glanced at his watch. Six o'clock. He glanced back up, knowing that Allie was due to be here any moment now.

And his jaw dropped.

Allie hoped that Dennis would be here by now. She checked her make-up one last time in the mirror of her car. She wondered if she should touch it up a bit; maybe Chloe had been a wrong about how it made her look...Biting her lip, she noted that the time had reached six o'clock. There was no time to fix it. Sighing, she made her way out of the car and into the Pizza Palace.

It took her a moment, but she spotted Dennis sitting in the corner booth, watching her. A crimson blush rose to her cheeks and she dropped her gaze to the floor as she made her way over to him. As she walked, she noted that there was already a drink on the table.

"Hey," she whispered shyly as she slid into the booth across from him.

He only nodded in response and Allie felt her heart sink slightly. If Dennis didn't even want to talk to her, then how could this date be anything but awkward. Chloe shouldn't have set them up on a blind date like this...

"You-you look wonderful tonight."

Allie's gaze shot up to meet his. This time, it was Dennis who dropped his gaze to the table, preoccupying himself with something on the menu.

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