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Long ago when the earth was still young and sin freely roamed the lands
The [evil of world]wanted to show all of man how [EVIL] the new world
For that is the nature of bad things
They solely exist to destroy and distort
Now Of course the people of the new world where still Virgin to evil's wicked ways
So for a very long time chaos embrued in the new world
And the longer it continued the more people began to loose faith in their creator [G O D]

This is exactly what [evil of the world wanted]
But this was only the first phase of his grand scheme

Next was the damnation of the chosen seven mortals he will use as vessels to bring forth earth's demise


You may ask

Why dose [evil of the world]hate the world so much?

Why dose it want to destroy it?


Because all bad things exists solely to destroy


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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