【Chapter Four】

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I watched as Zen's head lay asleep on my hospital bed, the lights in the hallway only just managed to sneak into the room iluminating all my favourite of his features of his face. I stroked his hair and he burried his face into the covers slightly, I smiled and sighed slowly "You're not sleeping?" I looked over to the redhead typing away at his laptop. I shook my head "I want to spend as much time possible with him" The corner of Seven's lips twitched slightly and he sighed loudly "That was depressing" I chuckled trying to change my emotions.

"You don't have to hide the fact you're terrified" I frowned and looked down at Zen. I sighed "Zen said he's going to try to be stronger than me, but if I'm so weak it's not really that hard to be stronger than me" I clenched my fists "I mean you all are stronger than me your not dieing"

"But emotionally he must be dieing" I met Seven gaze and he shut his laaptop "I know what it's like to loose someone" I sighed heavily

"Me too" the tears I'd grown so well to know appeared in my eyes again as I listened to Seven "It must be weird for both of you to know that you're going to die soon" I nodded my head

"We never got married" I moved my hand to Zens hair and I stroked his hair, I laid down next to him in bed "It's never to late" I nodded my head and held onto Zen's hand and slowly drifted away to sleep.


A couple days had went by and I was alowed to walk around the hospital, I sat with Zen in the garden and stared at the pond with fish swiming in it I smiled at it and Zen followed my gaze "I swear you smile at anything"

"Not boys" I quickly answered my gaze still set on the fish "All men are wolfs" I mimiced Zen remembering all the times he's told me that. He rolled his eyes playfully and I leant my head on his shoulder "I wish we could be sat on your roof staring at the stars" I sighed as I looked up to the sunset infront of us. He squeezed my hand and I met his gaze his lips met mine and I gasped pulling away "I-I'm sorry"

"We haven't done that in a while" I nodded my head and he kissed my hair and I left my face in his chest and breathed in his scent "Zen" I muttered. He stroked my head "Shh" I stopped my sentence "I want some silence" I nodded my head sighing heavily into his chest. "Mc!" I pulled out of Zen's face to see Yoosungs body running towards us "Your doctor wants you!" I stood up and Zen did aswell "Just Mc" I looked back at Zen and smiled before I started to walk the door.

I made my way to my room and the doctor's face was pale as she ushered me to my bed, I walked towards it sitting on my bed she sighed heavily "We've worked out the day of your death" I gasped and she broke away gaze from mine "You've got a week, your imune system is dieing quickly" I nodded my head and smiled. Her eyes grew wide to my reaction and I soon chirped "Thank you for letting me know"

"You're smiling?" She muttered I nodded my head.

"My time had to come eventually" My gaze fell to the door where Seven stood staring at me, he shook his head and walked away. The nurse followed him "Why did he shake his head?" I murmured I scrunched my hands up "It's because I'm hiding my emotions" A nock at the door snapped me out of it, I looked towards to see my white haired boyfriend staring at me "Is everything ok?" I shrugged my shoulders and he pulled a chair infornt of me. "So what did the doctor say?" I met his gaze and broke it

"I don't want to tell you" He grabbed my cheek and pulled my gaze to meet his "You sure?" I shook my head. Tears fell from my cheeks "It sucks having an expiration date put on you" he pulled me into his shoulder and I cried heavily "We've got a week Zen, I want to spend it with you forever" I felt his body tremble and I looked up. Tears fell down his cheeks and I sat up, his eyes glistened with the tears and he laughed while wiping them off "I'm sorry princess" He took a deep breath "I wan't to spend forever with you aswell"


I was sat in the park awaiting Zen to return from his jog, I was banned from any exercise and wore a white surgical mask, 'click' I looked over to where I heard the sound from and noticed a man holding a camera inspecting the picture "Hey!" I shouted. He looked up at me and I stood up walking towards him, he quickly went to run away and I started running after me "Hey don't run" I shouted as I followed him.

Zen returned to the bench where Mc was meant to be sat, he looked around quickly and caught a glimse off her running. "Mc!" He shouted and began to run after her, when Zen finally caught up with her she was shouting at a man holding a camera.

"Don't you know I could get you done for taking pictures with out my consent" The camera man nodded his head and I was panting heavily "Mc what the hell?" I turned to see Zen and then everything became blurred and my body swayed. I felt my body collasp and I started to fall to the floor "Mc!" Zen shouted before he caught me before hitting the ground, "Come on I'll take you back to the hospital" my body twitched and he picked me up in a bridal position and started to run. I gasped suddenly and fell back unconsious "Come on Mc, you're alright" my body trembled from the utter fear of the situation.

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