Chapter 1

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Natalie's POV
The Volturi was a interesting change. I did as they told me and I led them as I was supposed to. I was currently wearing one of Seth's hoodies and I took in a deep breath of his scent. I clipped the black and red cloak around me and looked in the mirror. My eyes had returned to a red hue which made me upset. I was forced to drink human blood, I was not allowed to hunt for animal blood so this was the only thing. I only took small amounts that would sustain me for as long as I needed. "Natalie let's go we haven't all day." I heard Alec say from outside of my room. I walked outside and bared my teeth at him, but he only smirked. "You are going to Washington state, it seems that Cullens are up to something, but Aro can't pin it down. You are to watch and come back in the morning." He informed me. My heart dropped, but I reluctantly nodded. I was not risking staying there in case they would kill my pack and coven. "Why wouldn't Aro send you and your sister." I snapped at him. He placed his hand under my chin and forced me to look at him. "Let us not forget the incident that happened last week. I rolled my eyes and slapped his hand away from my face.

I walked into the main judgement hall that had the now four main chairs that Aro, Marcus, Caius, and myself usually sat in. "Well if it isn't dear Natalie." I heard Alec's voice ring through my ears. I turned to face him. He was closer than I thought almost right in front of me. "What is it that you need Alec?" I asked sitting down on my chair and picking up a book. He walked closer to me and knelt in front of me. He placed his hand underneath my chin and made me look at him. "I don't know why you don't try and find love." He said looking at me with his blood red eyes. "I am loyal to my one true love already." I explained moving away from his hand. I stood up and he backed up as well. "If you're talking about that mangy mutt, he was hardly something to love." He commented. I turned around quicker than I had ever before and had my hand around his throat in a second. I lifted him a few inches off the ground and glared at him. "Don't ever say anything about Seth in front of me." I growled letting go of him and watching him fall to the floor. He ran at me and pinned me to a wall and his face moved closer to mine. "I always did like your feisty attitude." He whispered in my ear. I used all my strength and pushed him away from me and grabbed his shirt and slammed him into the ground. The marble underneath him crumbled and I glared at him. "Keep your hands off of me." I growled slamming him head against the floor making several cracks appear across his face as I held his head. "Now Natalie let the poor boy go." I could hear Aro say. I looked up and saw Aro sitting in his chair looking at us. I threw Alec away from me and he ran out of the room. "I wish this could go unpunished, but it can't. I'll let you know your punishment when the time comes." He told me.

I growled at him and quickly ran out of the fortress and into the ocean. I sped underneath the water, but cursed as I realized I still had Seth's jacket on. Once I had gotten to the border of Washington I felt an immense weight drop onto my shoulders, I could only guess it was guilt. I stepped over the state border and continued to run to Forks. As I ran through the forest I stopped in a meadow full of flowers. I continued to run and masked my scent and presence as I jumped into a tree. I looked into the house and noticed Seth was standing on one of the balconies. My heart stopped as I saw him, I had the immediate urge to run to him and hug him and kiss him with all the passion in my system, but I remembered I still had another couple of months with the Volturi. I noticed he had gotten taller, more muscular, and if was even possible more handsome. "Seth we have everyone in the house and they want to meet you." I heard Edward say. I looked at my brother and noticed he looked different too. He had changed his hair style and had changed clothing style. He was wearing a lot more black. "I don't know if I'm ready to talk about her. It's almost time for her to come home, maybe we can just wait until she gets home." He said. Seth was still the same hopeful and pure soul that I had left behind. "Seth they could've brainwashed her by now or maybe they aren't going to let her come back we have to make sure we are ready if that happens." Edward lectured. I noticed a twinkle that shined at Seth's neck. I looked closer and noticed my wedding ring with a chain through it around his neck. I smiled sadly and then remembered that the sun was about to rise. Aro would want to see what they were talking about, but I didn't want him to know. I turned on my heel and started to run away again. It pained me to see Seth like that.

Seth's POV
I heard a crunch and my eyes darted over to a tree. I didn't see anything so I looked back at Edward. "C'mon Seth we have to do this." I nodded and walked into the living room with him. "Everyone meet Seth, Natalie's fiance." Lots of red eyes were fixed on me and it made me uncomfortable. "There are some conditions before we do this, first of all for the vampires that feed off of humans you cannot feed here. Second, you are here to make sure that in a couple months Natalie returns. If she doesn't, we contact the Volturi to make sure that she is returned and if they don't we fight. If you don't want to help me get the love of my life back then leave now, but if you're willing to help thank you." I explained getting kinda emotional.

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