Becoming Sailor Moon

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"I need you to find someone who can take my place as Sailor moon."

"May I ask why?"

"We're gonna need more help if we wanna win this war."




You woke up and looked at the clock. You had an hour to get ready before school started. You decided to go back to sleep. You awoke again to your mother shaking you awake. "Y/N!! You're going to be late!" She shouted. You quickly got up and looked at the clock to see you only had 15 minutes to get ready. Your mother headed back into the kitchen while you got ready. Once you were ready you ran down stairs and made toast. You glanced at the clock and noticed you didn't have time to eat it so you put it in your mouth and ran out the door. Your mother sighed as you ran all the way to school.

For once you managed to get to class on time, even your teacher was impressed. Once class started the teacher started his lecture. While he spoke you pulled out your notebook and started to doodle in it. Once class ended you were still doodling in your notebook. You didn't know it but this one boy was staring at you while his friends were trying to talk to him. He was brought back to reality when his friend snapped his fingers in front of him. You stopped doodling when you noticed his gaze. You smiled at him then put your notebook in your bag and left.

School was over and you walked home by yourself. You were walking on the side walk when you noticed this little kid who was about to get ran over. You quickly ran over to the kid and pulled her back. The car missed her and you asked if she was ok. She nodded and her mother came over to you. She thanked you for saving her daughter and left. Little did you know you were being watched by a dark purple cat. You continued on your way back home.

When you got home your mother said that there was a surprise in your room. You ran to your room excited to see what the surprise was. At first you were confused because you didn't see your surprise. Then a dark purple cat with a bald spot shaped like a crescent moon came out from under the bed. You both stared at each other for a minute. You bent down to pet the cat while smiling. You had wanted a cat for so long but your mother always said 'no'. You wondered why she suddenly changed her mind. Then the cat walked away from you and sat right down in front on you.

"Greetings, my name is Luna" She introduced herself.

You were shocked that this cat could talk. She was no where near ordinary. "A-am I hearing things?....or did you just t-talk?..." You stuttered still shocked.

"you're not imagining things or hearing things...I can talk.." She said calmly.

"h-how?" You asked.

"Simple....I'm not a cat...i'm an alien..." She replied.

"Alien?!" You shouted. 

" better keep it down or your mother will hear us..." She said.

"Why are you here? shouldn't you be in outer space or something? You not here to take over our planet are you?!" You asked.

"no..." She replied while standing up. "I'm here to tell your that you're the next Sailor moon!"

As soon as she said Sailor moon you remember everything your mother told you about this pretty guardian who would protect the world from evil every night. You remembered when your mom told you about the sailor guardians. Realization hit you and you almost had a heart attack. "M-me?! I'm going to be Sailor moon?!" You almost shouted.

"Yes, I saw how you saved that child earlier today. So I have chosen you to be the next Sailor Moon"

"Oh wow! i'm not dreaming am I?" You asked.

"nope. This is real." Luna answered calmly.

"How do I transform?..." You asked excitedly.

"Raise your hand and Yell 'Moon! Prism! Power!' " She replied.

You stood up and raised your hand into the air. "Moon! Prism! Power!" You shouted. Then you began to transform. Your clothes changed into a sailor uniform and your shoes turned into boots. Gloves appeared on your hands and a tiara formed on your head. Once your transformation was complete you looked in the mirror. You looked almost like the pretty guardian herself. "Wow! I look almost exactly like her!" You exclaimed.

"Listen, you have a big responsibility now. It's become your job to protect the world from evil!" She said.

"Right!" You shouted.

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