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She was bored. 

It was probably to be expected seeing as she was in a 12'•8' cell. 

Still, Sidney had been in the cell for 2 day and one can only bounce a tennis ball and sleep so much. 

But Sidney couldn't sleep. 

Not when she didn't know how much information they had gotten off of the scans. She and Sammy had figured before setting out that if one of them got captured that only a basic scan for weapons and poison in the system would be taken, so Sidney couldn't believe her eyes when about 10 separate test had been done. 

      'Well at least I think there were 10 test done. It's sort of hard to keep track when you're drugged....I am so doomed. 3 years of searching and I go down with nothing to show for it! I had to go and let my blasted ego get in the way of the real job!'  

Sidney was practically screaming in her mind when the door opened to reveal a man in Mandalorian armor and 10 unconscious guards behind him. He extended his hand towards her, 

     "Ready to get out of her Beautiful?"

Sidney smiled, grabbing the outstretched hand and started running with Jango Fett through the hallways, her previous cares forgotten.

She was out.


Anyone who knew Jango Fett and Sidney Backstreet would tell you that they hated each other. They never moved on after one job they were working on together went sour and Sammy was captured. 

'But they are so wrong.' Sidney thought pressed up against the wall of Slave 1 as Jango scanned her up and down making sure she wasn't hurt. 

He still hadn't taken off his armor. After he had grabbed her from her cell they made their way to the docking area where Slave 1 was waiting. Jango had run to the front and taken off, getting them into hyperspace before coming back to check on her.

"Jango I'm fine, I promise." she whispered, putting her hands up to his helmet to pull it off. He hesitated, then relented in letting her slide it off, showing off his helmet hair and his brown eyes.

 He leaned down and kissed her.

It was true that Sidney and Jango had hated each other. Any time they ran into each other they tried to kill the other one. 

Then on a job to protect a high ranking senator an employer had hired both the Backstreet Girls and Jango Fett. Sidney and Jango had managed to keep it professional and not kill each other for the majority of the job. Then part way through the job Sammy was caught. Sidney almost killed Jango at that point but they still had to finished the job and they couldn't do it without Sammy, so they were forced to work together to rescue Sammy and finish the job. 

During that time Sidney had figured out that she and Jango were very similar. They held the similar standards and points of views on life, and she started to fall in love with him. 

He was 10 years older than her but that didn't matter to her, she acted about 10 years older than she was. 

One day while stalking out the prison from afar by pretending to be a normal couple Jango kissed her, hard, and didn't let go. And she didn't want him to.  

And that's how they started. 

But they pretended that they still hated each other, that they didn't recognize the other without their armor unless they were absolutely certain they were alone.

Even Sammy didn't know.

" I know you can handle yourself babe, but I missed you." Jango whispered into her ear shifting her so her legs were wrapped around his waist and his hands supporting her. He started kissing her neck, and she let him for a minute. 

" Babe," she mumbled "this is great and all but it's a bit uncomfortable with your armor on."

" Well then," Jango mumbled back in between each kiss, slowly leading her to the small bedroom  "it's a good thing I convinced your sister that we should wait three days before meeting back up and I have a hideout nearby where we can fix the armor problem isn't it?" 

Sidney laughed and kissed him. "What would I do without you Jango?" She asked as Jango sat them down on the bed. 

"You would never have lived, loved." Jango replied, and proceeded to take off his armor.

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