Another New Comer

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"Hello there! My name is Tanimura Yuki. Please take care of me from now on!"

A girl?!

"Etto.. So, as you see, Tanimura-san here is going to become our new manager. Don't make her do weird things, okay?" says Momoi-san.

"Hai... (Yes...)" answers everyone in a sync.

"It is Tanimura Yuki.."

"Wow, it is really her."

"She is so beautiful.."

Everyone start whispering as they stare at the girl in front of them. Fair pale skin, long black hair, big light brown eyes and small lips which are as red as a cherry. You see, she is that kind of girl who will be chosen by everyone in the class for the role as Snow White. Well, even though her skin is not like snow. It looks like the moon than the snow. But aside from that, she is indeed beautiful. I myself admit it. No wonder she is very popular. It must be hard. Deep condolence for her.

"Ah, and another thing," Akashi-kun who is standing beside Momoi-san adds, "Nijimura-senpai is not coming today due to some personal matter. So, I will be in charge."


"That's all for today. You can continue your practice now," order Akashi-kun.

And we all obey it obediently. I can see from fhe corner of my eye, Momoi-san is talking to Tanimura-san. Maybe she is teaching her how to become a proper manager. Tanimura-san is my classmate, but I barely talk to her. She is always surrounded by a lot of people. Mostly boys. I like observing her in class when I am bored. I don't know why I do, tho. Normal person would call it love. Well, I don't really think so. I may be just a mere interest. Nothing special.

"Kuro-chin! Watch out!"


It is all black. Slowly, I regain my sight back. Wow, I really need to be careful. What is it? I almost faint two days in a row?! I must be cursed. Suddenly, I feel the pain. Right side of my face is all hurt. The ball hit me pretty hard, huh? Everyone start gather around me.

"Kuro-chin, I told you to watch out, didn't I?" Murasakibara-kun's face fill my sight.

"Sorry, Murasakibara-kun," I say as I try my best to stand up.

"Wait, Kuroko-kun, you shouldn't move. Let me check you first." Momoi-san rushed to me. Tanimura-san follows behind her.

"No. I'm alright." I manage to stand up.

"Tetsuya, you should pay more attention," scold Akashi-kun with a worried expression on his face. I can't help but feeling happy..

"I'm sorry, Akashi-kun. I'll be careful from now on." I look down as I try to hide my smiling face.

"Yes. I hope you will keep your words," he says then continue his practice.

"Ano.. Kuroko-kun, are you really alright?"

Eh? This voice is unfamiliar. Girl voice? Who is it? I look at the owner of the voice. Small face, big eyes, small lips. Who else it could be? Of course it is Tanimura Yuki-san. Wait, she can see me?

"Yes, I am alright, Tanimura-san." I look around, but I cannot see Momoi-san. "How do you know my name, anyway?"

"Momoi-san called you Kuroko-kun just now," she smiles. "Kise-kun often talks about you too so I recognize you right away."

Ah, yeah. Momoi-san was here. I just remember it now. Oh well, I just embarass myself. "Where is Momoi-san now?" I quickly change the subject.

"She went to take some ice to compress your swollen face."

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