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Surprise, surprise..! *lazy jazz hands* A fluffy (shet I hope so tho) one-shot of Lukanette, (since I've seen that some of you are already waiting for a fic) taken two days after the Captain Hardrock episode.

This is only first attempt at a fanfic and second atempt at writing in general, so if there are any mistakes in my writing, please notify me.


Marinette strolled through Champ de Mars a day after her latest akuma deafeatening, Zombizou. The buzz of little kids running and laughing and the chatter of teens and adults alike on the green grass was familiar, and also the snaps of the tourists' cameras. But they were fewer, fewer than usual, which made Marinette comfortable.

She then heard the sound of a guitar. A very familiar one, if you asked her. Marinette immediately stopped walking, looking around the greenspace, trying to pinpoint where the strumming came from with furrowed brows. The sound was faint, but it was there. It sounded like...the tune Luka strummed on his guitar when they first met.


That's who she has to find.

Well, it's not like it was hard to find him though. His blue-dyed hair tips was already distinguishable. She just had to look around a little bit more–

Found you, Mari thought, her bluebell eyes glinting with a bit of acheivement in them. Luka sat down on the grass about 10 meters away from where she's standing, his back facing her. As presumed, he was playing his guitar. Etching closer to him, the tune Luka was playing sounded foreign, one that she never heard before, but it was soothing.

When Mari was about 2 meters away from him, something rised up within her, a feeling of playfulness. She thought it was fair, because Luka already teased her too anyway, with that 'Ma-Ma-Ma-Marinette' thing. She felt a giggle bubble up within her chest, but she closed her mouth with her left hand. She took slow calculated steps until her right hand could reach Luka's hoodie. Her left foot lifted up a little bit, trying to make her fingers reach his hoodie better. Marinette's finger's just reached the tips of it when–

He chuckled, "No need to be playful, I know somebody's out there."

With that, Marinette's eyes widened, and her body jerked forward. Resulting in, well, her body relatively crashing Luka's back. When she already found out that she fell, however, she was flat on her back, face-to-face with Luka's confused and frantic eyes. She blinked, trying to focus on the world around her. The blue sky vanished when Luka leaned over her-- wait what?! Now, Marinette started to sweat. She panickingly roamed her eyes around and found out that his hands were planted on the grass, far too close to her head.

Now Marinette was full-on blushing, way way harder than when she's around Adrien.

"Wait a second, M-Marinette?" Luka started, then his eyes started to widen too.

He immediately sat back up again, leaving Marinette with wide, dazed eyes, and an all-too visible blush on her cheeks and ears.

"Marinette," Luka started, leaning forward and grabbing her two hands, completely oblivious to the fact that she was already tomato-red in the face, "Are you okay?"

She sat up while trying to cover her face, but it was impossible since she had a pale skin tone. Marinette frantically looked around and found Luka's guitar lying on the ground with a visible crack on its body. Marinette's eyes widened even more.

Luka sensed her distress, and set his eyes on his guitar too. His face looked half surprised and half confused, then looked back at Marinette, who looked like she just dropped a new born baby from her arms. "It's okay, Marinette. My sister cracked it before too, but I managed to fix it. It's perfectly okay."

"No, it's not." Marinette started and stood up suddenly, causing her to jerk and almost fall down again. Luka stood up too with worried eyes, but Mari just shook her head and backed away further. "I-I'll leave you alone, now. I-I caused you too much trouble, I fell on you, I-I broke your guitar–"

Before Marinette would step away any longer, Luka grabbed his guitar from the ground, and raised his eyebrows with a reassuring smile plastered on his face. He began strumming a new tune on his guitar, one that Marinette never heard of before. It made her feel more calm, and unusually comforting. He rolled his eyes. "Can you call that broken, now?"

Mari's head perked up, surprised. She shook her head, smiled slightly, then shrugged. "I guess... not." A giggle bubbled up from her chest.

Luka sighed, glad that he found a way to make Marinette calm again. He stopped playing, looked down, and walked to where Marinette was standing. Luka held her hand which made the girl widen her eyes once more. "You know, Marinette," he mumbled, slightly caressing the back of her hand with his thumb, "I made that little tune after you left our ship, because I wanted a small piece to remember you by. You're still amazing to me, especially when you guided your fellow students outside the building after the akuma attack yesterday, and you even distracted the akuma until Chat Noir arrived." He shook his head, scoffing. Looking back at her, he said, "You're so unbelievably brave."

Ladybug smiled and helped Luka up, but she was surprised at the words that came out of his mouth.

"Ladybug, is Marinette okay?" Luka asked with a worried look on his face.

In her imagination, she widened her eyes. Trying to keep her voice and smile steady, she replied, "She's safe. She's the one who alerted me."

"That girl is unbelievably brave."

Marinette blushed, but tried her best to make it more subtle. Those words Luka said today almost sounded like the exact thing he said when he and her alter ego first met. After that came confusion, because the moment his fingertips touched her hand, it gave off a somewhat similar feeling, but foreign nonetheless. It felt similar to the feeling when Adrien held her hand when they danced at Chloe's party, but the other half, well, she wasn't familiarized with it at all.

She was too preoccupied with her thoughts to even notice Luka removing his hand from hers, and stepping away to a farther distance which made her breathe more freely again.

Thunder rumbled across the sky. Neither of the two noticed that it was already cloudy, that almost all off the people are gone or either opening up their umbrellas.

It downpoured in less than 30 seconds.

"Uh-oh," Luka mumbled, and started to place his guitar back in his bag. For Marinette, well, she only wondered whether to just stand there or go to a much safer, dryer place.

Marinette then looked on at Luka, who started to remove his hooded jacket. To her surprise, he placed it above him and Marinette's heads, adjusting his arms so he can make a small canopy with it.

"Would you like us to get the heck out of here, mademoiselle?" he smiled, his blue eyes glinting with the same feeling when he helped her up, two days ago.

Marinette nodded, clutched her pink bag then smiled.

"Why," She dramatically added, "I'd love to, monsieur."


Oh shet I didn't expect it to be this short wtf. Sorry, probs y'all are unsatisfied because it was too short.

Useless thoughts aside, that's my contribution for the fans. Took me a whole 4 hours to make non-stop, accompanied with a big burst of inspiration. Notify me when you see any mistakes. (All kinds if you were asking, names, grammar... anything criticizable.)

(And if you were wondering, if you already saw this one-shot before on Tumblr with the same title, then yes, that one-shot is mine. I'm only clarifying this to not be reported.)

ps for all the silent readers: you can not be unseen because the I, the Wattpad Ghost, am watching you. Beware.

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