Welcome Back Bitch!

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(A/N: This story is set in season 1 and 2. Spencer used to live in Rosewood but after 6 months of Ali's disappearance she moved to Washington with her family and Rosewood PD began to see them as a suspect in Alison's case for fleeing like this but an accident happened in Washington and to save Spencer from cases and trails her family sent her back to Rosewood alone where the liars are dealing with a shadow figure who knows all there dirty secrets also Spencer has a dark secret about the night of Ali's disappearance that nobody knows except for Spencer, Toby and 'A'. On the other hand Toby is Rosewood Senator's son and he has an adopted sister named Jenna. Marion is alive. When the Jenna thing happened Alison threatened Toby that she'll uncover his consensual relation with his adopted sister. Toby takes the blame and his parents send him to London instead of reform school. Toby and Spencer never talked to each other until the night of Labor Day weekend. After the Jenna thing he began to hate every one in Ali's clique including Spencer. When Spencer returns to Rosewood she meets with someone who is ready to ruin her life by uncovering her family's, friends and her biggest secrets but unlike her friends she has one more person to deal with)

                                                                         HIS SUBMISSIVE.

"You have to go!" she yelled. "I don't want you in any trouble"

"But..but I was involved in all of this! I'm the reason"

"Baby I-I can't let you be here"

"Melissa!?" she cried.

"I know y-you thought I don't care about you but you're still my baby sister. I-I love you Spence I-I don't want you to deal with all this" she cupped her face. "You have to go!"

Her sister's voice echoed in her head as she came out of Philadelphia International Airport, alone. She hated herself right now. She felt suicidal. She wasn't the SPENCER HASTINGS she used to be. She's a sinner. The one who never learned from her mistakes and now she and her family have to suffer because of what she did.  

"Spencer!" Ella shouted breaking her from her thoughts.

"Ms. Montgomery" she smiled and hugged her. "Thanks for picking me up!"

"Oh it's okay. I'm sorry Aria caught flu so she couldn't come"

"It's okay..I'll catch up with her later" she smiled.

"Yeah sure but first you have to relax. You must be tired. I'll take you home"

"Mom told me the tenants moved out a week ago so I-I'll just go home"

"Are you sure you don't want to join us for some days?"

"Y-Yeah I'm fine..I'll visit you guys once I'm settled in" she replied.

"Fine honey! but if you need anything or if you feel you can't stay alone at night just call Aria and she'll pick you up..We're always available for you" she said in a comforting voice.

"Thanks Ms. Montgomery" she smiled.

The Next Day..

"Spence!" the trio shouted and came all the way to the main hall to hug her in unison.

"We missed you" Hanna said.

"I missed you guys too" she replied.

"I thought you won't be coming to school till Monday" Aria said.

"I-I just wanted to get all my schedules and notes today so I can start regularly from Monday"

"Spencer Hastings! Always one step ahead!" Hanna added laughing.

"Let's go before the class starts" Emily said.

"Y-yeah its Ezra's class" Aria said shyly.

"I really have to give you a reality check Aria" Spencer laughed. 

"Oh come on Spence!" they all laughed and began to race to the class.

Toby's P.O.V

Well, well! Here I am trying to get through that Montgomery bitch boyfriend's class. I can't wait to get home and enjoy the weekend partying. I already know what he's teaching then why the heck do I have to attend this class? Dad's rules are creeping me out.

"Where are you?"  my phone chimed with a message. 

Perfect! I thought to myself. This is a cherry on top of a perfect day. I need to get rid of this bitch or she'll ruin my weekend.

"In school" I replied.

"I wanna watch a movie"

"Not interested Val!"

"When was the last time you were interested in anything related to me Toby?"

"What do you want?" I typed furiously.


"Sorry Val! Bye"

"I knew it! I knew you were just a fuckboy. You used me and now you're bored with me"

"Yes! I am..So what?"

"Fuck you!"

"You already did!" I smirked closing the mobile screen.

Just when I thought this day can't get any shittier something unexpected happened. The trio walked in with.. her?  

Another bitch! Spencer Hastings. She walked in like she owned the place. Causing troubles and killing people was her hobby now but Mona didn't tell me that she was moving back after that Washington incident! She kept on laughing with other bitches till she saw me and I locked my eyes with her with a smirk and her eyes grew wider. 

Oh! How I waited for this moment. I knew it would be so much fun watching her little figure tense up with horror.

I know she got scared the moment she saw me. SHE SHOULD BE! and I bet she was having the same moment replay that I was having.

"Spencer!" he shouted. "I saw you girl" he smirked. "You can't hide now"

"T-Toby!" her eyes grew wider  and pleading as she turned around.

"What do you think I'm gonna stay quiet after what I saw you doing?"

"Toby please..d-don't say anything to anyone please" she pleaded.

"And why would I do that? after everything you bitches put me through"

"It wasn't my fault..I-I promise"

"But you were there when that bitch made me do something that ruined my life"

"Toby please..please I beg you don't say anything" she pleaded again.

"Spencer Hastings! begging? Interesting"

"It'll ruin everything Toby..please"

"Oh no girl! why would I say anything that'll get you in trouble?.." he said making an innocent face. "when I can make you suffer.. the way you made me do" he whispered and smirked again cupping her shivering cheeks.

She shivered even more thinking about his intentions and flinched back and watched as he walked away with a smirk on his face.

Our stare broke when Fitz entered the class and started talking shit about how happy he is that an old student is rejoining us again and blah blah. This is going to be interesting. 

"Ms. Hastings please be seated beside Mr. Cavanaugh" he smiled at her and she sat beside me, she's freaking out inside.

"Welcome back bitch!" I whispered loud enough for her to hear and shiver and then I smiled thinking about how suicidal she is right now after what happened in Washington and now she has to face me..The witness of the sin she committed. 

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