Crashing Down

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*Amelia's P.O.V*-
               I stood in the old man's 'office', who I now knew as Michael. I had never felt so low in my entire life. I felt pieces of my dignity slipping away as I stood with a few other girls, dressed in a tight black dress, in front of the 'customars'. According to Ben, this is where we are sold to our new owners. I can't believe I was being sold, like an object, that I no longer had a control over my life. This was the worst thing that could happen to a person. And it happened to me.

I didn't even want to imagine what they'd do to me. Just thinking about it made me sick to the stomach. This couldn't happen. I couldn't lose so easily. I had to find a way out. And that's exactly what I've been thinking since the time Ben took me to the dressing room. There were several girls in that cramped room, most of them my age. They were busy slipping into tiny outfits or putting heaps of make-up on their faces. It was crazy how they acted so normal. Like this whole business was nothing out of the ordinary. The fact that they were going to be sold for God knows what purpose, didn't seem to bother them.

A pale girl called Nicole helped me dress. Although I tried to protest a lot of times she just looked at me with pleading eyes and asked me to cooperate. Her pretty face had a shadow of sorrow looming over it. She was the only one who seemed a tad bit normal to me. Who knew that this wasn't right.

"Why are we dressing up? What's going to happen to us? What are we being sold for?", I had asked her, desperately.

She looked down at my hair as she was styling it into a braid, refusing to meet my gaze through the mirror in front of us.

"Please don't ask me anything, I don't wanna get in trouble again. You'll soon see for yourself",she said, her tone sad. "Just try not to make it any harder for yourself than it has to be."

I understood that I couldn't get anything out of her. She was too scared. Maybe they have threatened her not to tell me anything.

I heard some other girls chatting among themselves excitedly.

"I heard some special guests are coming today. Mrs.Roberts said we had to look our best!",a brunette girl said, her dark eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Yeah I heard it was some celebrity! Can you believe it!", another one said.

I sighed deeply thinking what had gotten into these girls. Didn't they realize that their lives were being played with?
Whatever it is, I have to get out of here before anything bad happens to me. I can't have these sick people ruin my life. No way.

As I stood here with the two other girls, who were supposedly 'newcomers' like me, an idea popped into my brain. As much as I would hate to go out in this disgusting outfit, I'd have to escape. This was the perfect time since everyone was busy preparing for the special guests. No one was paying much attention to us. Ben who was supposed to keep an eye on us was busy talking to another guy.

I took this opportunity and slowly inched towards the open front door of the office. All I had to do was sneak out unnoticed, taking advantage of the crowded place. This was my only chance. I took slow but steady steps along the wall and stopped abruptly as anyone's eyes fell on me. I saw the other two girls standing there like statues, too scared to even move but I had to be brave. This couldn't be the end of my life. I had to reach the cops and tell them everything. So many lives would be saved only if I show some courage right now. I bet these girls have been brainwashed into believing that there was nothing wrong with this business and that they were gonna have a great future. But I knew better. I had to save them. And myself. Soon the door just a few inches from me. I took a deep breath and made a run for it. My aim was to push past the crowd that blocked the door and get out into the road and keep running until I find a safe place to hide temporarily. Until they stop looking for me.
According to plan, I pushed past all the bodies blocking my way but soon I slammed into something hard, wait it's someone, not something. I looked up to see a middle aged man, his hair slightly gray, dressed in a black overcoat and trousers, looking down at me. I tried to push him back but was stopped as he grabbed my shoulders. I felt like I've seen him before. Actually I've seen him many times before but from all the stress in my head I couldn't remember his name.
"Mr. Cowell you're  here! We've been wai-", Michael stopped midsentence as he took in the sight before him.

Then it hit me. It was Simon Cowell. The Simon Cowell. But what was he doing here?!......wait, was he the special guest they were all talking about?

"Jesus, what is she doing here!", Michael yelled pointing to me. "Ben!"

In a matter of seconds Ben appeared, looking ashamed as he realized that he hadn't done his job properly.

"Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on the girls?", the old man yelled at him, his face red in fury. "Do you realize what could've happened if she had escaped?!"

"I'm sorry sir", Ben mumbled, sending me a death glare.

There goes my glorious escape plan.

Michael now turned his attention to us.

"I'm so sorry Mr.Cowell that you had to deal with this, please come inside, the girls are all ready for the selection. We've got our best ones for you today Sir!", he blabbered.

Simon looked down at me and smirked. What he said next sent a shiver up my spine.

"I don't think the selection would be necessary any longer Michael. Think I've got what I wanted", he said still smirking, as he eyed me up and down.

"But Sir she's just arrived and doesn't even know anything, we've got better trained girls-"
Simon stopped him by putting up his palm.

"What's your name sweetheart?", he asked me in a sickly sweet tone.


"Amelia what?"

"Amelia Smith"

Then he turned to face Michael once more.

"How much do I have to pay for miss Amelia Smith here, Mike?"

"Come inside Sir",Michael said grinning, "I'll prepare the documents and her data files for you".

No. No this wasn't happening. This just couldn't happen to me right now. Simon Cowell? The man who separated me from him. The man who caused me so much pain. What was he going to do to me?

I felt a tear slip out of my eyes as Ben grabbed my wrist and dragged me back inside. I once again felt the world crashing down on me. Like I had felt four years ago.

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