Chapter 1 - XLeftyX

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Harry trudged through the door, placing his jacket on the hook, and kicking off his shoes as he rubbed at his irritated nose.  His allergies were horrible today, he must have had about five fits, each consisting of about ten to fifteen sneezes.  

“Ugh.” He groaned, sniffling and wiping his nose on the back of his hand. 

“Haz!” Louis cried, bounding into the entryway from the kitchen.  “How was class?”

“Long.” Harry sighed, scratching his nose. “Did you have class today?”

“Nope.” Louis grinned, popping the ‘p’. “It got cancelled, praise the Lord.  That class is the absolute worst.”

Heh...hetCHOO!” Harry sneezed, his whole body snapping forward with the force of it.

“Bless you.” Louis nodded, shooting him a curious look. “You alright? You look like shit, man.”

“Hay fever is kicking my ass, I swear if I sneeze one more time, I’m going to seriously consider a nose transplant.”

Louis snickered.  “I don’t think they have those.”

“Then I’ll make it a thing.” He grumbled, going cross-eyed to glare at his nose. It twitched, and he found himself pulling the collar of his shirt up so that it was covering his nose and mouth. “HetCHOO! HetCHOO! Heh...hetCHOO!”

 What. A. Bastard.

“Go take a Claritin, or something.”

Harry nodded, dropping his bag, and then walking into the kitchen.  He rubbed a hand over his face. Stupid allergy season, making him feel like crap.  

 “Are you sure it’s just allergies?” Louis asked, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

Snff...snff...yes, why?” Harry said, scrunching up his face as he rubbed at his nose again.

“You’re always pale with hay fever, but never this feeling alright?”

“I never feel well when I have allergies, so no.”

Louis frowned, and went to feel Harry’s forehead. Harry batted his hand away, and then stepped to the side before Louis could check for fever. “Maybe you’ve got a cold, or something?”

“I’ve had allergies, and I’ve had a cold.  This is just my allergies screwing with me.” Harry muttered. He was honestly exhausted, and all he wanted to do was curl up bed under some blankets, a cup of tea (because, holy shit, did his throat hurt), and a box (or five) of tissues.

“Dude! We should have a movie night!” Louis shouted, pumping his fist.

HetCHOO! HetCHOO!I just want to sleep.  I don’t think I can stay awake long enough to watch a movie.”

“I want to watch a movie.” Louis whined.  “You can sleep on the couch, but I don’t want to be that loser that sits alone watching a movie.”

“But, I’m tired.” Harry groaned.

“You can sleep on the couch! Couches are meant to be slept on.”

“Louis.” Harry groaned, sniffling. He rubbed his irritated nose, and then let out a sigh of frustration.

“Please?” Louis pouted.  “I’ll get you blankets and tissues and stuff, you just go lie on the couch.”

“Fine.” Harry sighed, way too exhausted to fight him.

“Ha! SUCCESS!” Louis shouted happily. 

 Harry trudged to the couch, lying on his side as he let out another string of sneezes.  At this point, he wasn’t too sure if it really was hay fever, or if he’d come down with a particularly sneezy cold.  In the past, his colds usually consisted of more coughing than sneezing. He also wasn’t sure if it was hay fever because he usually doesn’t feel this horrible. It really was a fifty-fifty toss up of whether it was a cold, or hay fever.

 At this point, all he could do was wait.

 “Here.” Louis said, tossing him a blanket and box of tissues.  “And some Advil, since you probably have a massive headache.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Harry sniffled, rubbing at his eyes.  His nose twitched, and he pulled the blanket over his mouth and nose quickly. “Heh....hhhhuh...hhh...heh... HetCHOO! Heh...hetCHOO! AhCHOO!  snfff...snfff...hehtCHOO! AckCHHH! snfff...ugh. I feel like crap, I just want to go to bed.”

Louis sighed lightly, shooing him away.  “Yeah, yeah. Fine.  I wouldn’t be able to hear the movie with you sneezing and crap the whole time.”

“Thanks.” He sniffled, getting up and shuffling to his room.

 A couple of hours later, Harry rolled over in bed, shivering lightly. He could hardly stop sneezing long enough to get a decent nap in, so he just gave up and laid in bed, sniffling and sneezing. All sneezing was enough to cause a massive headache, and Harry was about ready to chop off his head and be done with it all.

 “Are you sure you’re not sick?” Louis asked cautiously, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed.

“Just-hetCHOO-It’s just allergies, I swear.” Harry sniffled.


Hey, guys! This is a new colab I have going with directioner822 :) (I'M FINALLY GETTING HER TO POST SOMETHING MUAHAHAHAHA)  She and I are switching off chapters (she'll write the next part, and I'll write the part after, and so on and so forth)

Let us know what you think, any and all feedback is appreciated :)

It's Just Allergies, I Swear (One Direction AU)Where stories live. Discover now