The Bad Boy

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He's such a jerk!"

"I know, right? I heard he coldly turned down a confession today."

"Again!? Who does he think he is!?"

"The poor girl was crying in the bathroom all day."


Everyone went silent. The very reason for their gossip walked past them. His expression was neutralㅡ as always.

His gaze was sharp and his eyes held no emotion. His jet black hair swayed as a light breeze passed by.

Hands in his pocket, he held his head high. Confidence ooze from his lean figure. Every step he takes felt as if the earth shook beneath him.

That is how much impact he had on everyone else.

The people who gossiped about him earlier avoided looking his way. They were too scared to make eye contact with him. There was even a rumor circulating that if you look him in the eyes, you would have bad luck.

He stopped walking, took backward steps and stood just infront of those who were talking about him earlier. Cold sweat dripped from their foreheads.

"If you have anything to say to me, say it in front of my face." His voice was deep, firm and threatening.

His ear piercing glinted against the warm sun yet his gaze was cold. Cold enough to make you freeze on the spot.

"W-we're so sorry! We won't talk behind your back ever again!" one of them apologized, bowing and suddenly scurrying off to somewhere, her friends quickly following after her.


Clicking his tongue in annoyance, he turned around and continued walking to his classroom. It wasn't like the gossips were anything new but hearing them first thing in the morning really gets to his nerves.

'It isn't my fault that girls tend to confess to me often and then cry after getting rejected! They already know that I'm not interested and yet they insist on confessing anyway! How dumb.'

His eyebrows furrowed in irritation as he sat on his chair in the front row. On his desk, there layed a pink envelope with a heart sticker. It obviously screamed, 'LOVE LETTER'.

He already knows what the love letter contains even before reading it.

Praises. Hearts. I love you here and there. And then more hearts. Meeting place for confession and name of sender. Sometimes just code names.

He receives these kinds of letters almost everyday and it never failed to piss him off. Surely, his crazy friends would pester him about it later at lunch.

The raven haired male resisted the urge to roll his eyes, just sighed and placed the love letter inside his bag deciding to throw it away later after class.

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Theodore "Theo" Reyes. The Cold and silent bad boy of Hercor High School.

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