My Biggest Secret

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I have a big secret. I'm scared to tell anyone about it because I'm not sure how they'll react.

I go to Bridgeview Academy. Bridgeview is a school in West Village, New York City, all the people that go there excel in many things: sports, wits, looks, arts, literature and just about anything, but some people bribe their way into the school, they pay way over the entrace fee of $10,000 to get into Bridgeview. Those are the people I envy, they pretty much bribe their way through Bridgeview from Kindergarten till their senior year in high school.

Well I can't do that, because I am Bridgeview's only student on the scholarship program. I am expected by the Board of Ed to get at least a B+ average in all my classes or I would lose my scholarship priveledges. I don't want anyone to know this because you're never sure how these people will feel. Some are quite judgemental and others are understanding. Also I try not to draw attention to myself. 

I remember in Kindergarten there was a boy named Kevin. He was made fun of for being poor because he also wore dirty sneakers to school. He moved away after a week.

I know that if I told people most would understand, but I don't want to go through that change in my last few years at Bridgeview. So I started that year at Bridgeview with my fingers crossed, hoping to get through with out anyone finding out.

But that's going to be a problem. Some new boys transfers to Bridgeview. Their names are Patrick Moore, Lucas Moore, and Christopher Moore.

Patrick is a so-called "bad boy". He's been left back a year and is now in his sophomore year. His brother Lucas is a "nerd". He skipped a grade and is also in his sophomore year. Their brother, Christopher is the "jock" and is also a sophomore. He is on the scholarship program because of his atheletic ability. They are all on the scholarship program. They know about me being in the scholarship program, but they don't know why I won't tell anyone. Will my so-called secret be exposed to Bridgeview, or can I go through another year without it known by the entire school?


Hey there! This is my first story on Wattpad, so excuse my noobishness. I have written stories before but on fan fiction sites and for school work and etc. I really hope you enjoy my story! It might not be the most unique story plot, but happy reading ~

Copyright © 2012 by Vivian Ye

All rights reserved. Do not reproduce, distribute, or copy in any way without written consent by the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used ficticiously. 

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