Louis And Harry Switched At Birth.

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How it Begins

Louis: WHHHHHHATTTT?! Mom you can’t be serious right now. What does this mean I’m not your biological son?

Mother: Honey i-i don’t know an easy way to say this but there’s been a mix up in the hospital. A woman called in saying she did some DNA testing on her son and he wasn’t hers.

Louis: i-i don’t even want to hear it. So you’re saying that “kid" is her son and she’s my mother?

Mother: No! She’s your biological mother no one will ever replace me as your mother and no one will ever replace you as my son.

Louis: (tearing up) do you know how badly this is going to screw up our family now! How could you not know I’m your son mom! Or should I even call you that...

Mother: pl-please Louis. How do u think I would know the hospital had a mix-up with my child...? You have beautiful brown hair and green eyes. I also have colored eyes! I thought you just got your brown hair from your father.

Louis: so now I’m not your child! And, oh yeah how are we going to tell dad. He won’t even care! For all I know he might be happy since he walked out when I was 5!

Mother: if you could just let me finish, I know you’re really mad right now and so am I! I’ve raised you for 21 years! (Starts to cry) I don’t know how to handle this situation with you or your father.

Louis: I’m I’m sorry mom I was just so caught up in the moment I forgot to think about how u might feel about this. I love you and always will.

(Doorbell rings)

Louis: MOM THEYRE HERE! (He says nervously)

(They both rush to the door to find.....) To be continued! Please stay and be ready to go on a fanfic adventure. this is just an intro.

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