Chapter 1

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"Megan! I'm home! Come here princess," I heard Liam call from the stairs. I haven't seen him in years, so I run down the stairs to find him and four other guys- all in scrubs.

"Why are you all wearing scrubs? Please don't tell me you're a doctor Liam," I sighed, already knowing he was. "Is it a bad thing," he asked.

"It's not a bad thing, I'm just deadly afraid of doctors. So see ya," I explained, running back up the stairs. I heard shuffling outside the door but ignored it.

"Hey, please don't hate us because we're doctors. I'm Niall," an adorable, blonde haired guy with an Irish accent said. I replied with "I don't hate you, I'm just afraid of doctors and you're all wearing scrubs."

Three other guys walked in after Niall. "Hi, Liam's told us so much about you and we're so sorry about your parents. I'm Harry, and this is Louis and Zayn," he said kindly. "Thanks, Liam's all I have left and it's really hard right now because I'm scared to go near him. I wish we had a relationship like normal siblings do," I explained, tears building in my eyes.

Next thing I know, Harry has me in his arms and runs to Liam's old room where he is. Liam changed out of his scrubs and was now wearing a leather jacket over a red full zip hoodie. To be honest, he looked hot wearing that.

"I'm sorry. I guess it was just the scrubs. Please forgive me," I begged as Harry put me next to Liam on the bed. He smiled at me, "Megan. I'm not mad at you. At least now we're together. Nothing can come between us now. All of me loves you to the moon and back. I promise."

I tackled him in a hug. I can't remember last time I saw Liam in person, and now we get to share a room. Niall and Louis then walked in, Louis picking me up. They carried me to Liam's office in the house. It had everything you'd find in a normal office- even an exam room. Great.

Louis set me on the table while Niall got some stuff out of the cabinets. Then, the other guys walked in, all five putting gloves on. "G-g-guys. P-please, no" I cried. Liam took his gloves off and sat with me. This was a really bad first impression on all his friends.

"Megan. You have to. Do you want me and Louis to hold you while they do everything else? That'll work," Liam offered. I nodded as Louis took off his gloves and sat on my left side. They both hugged me as I felt someone wipe my arm with alcohol.

"No. Please whichever one of you is about to do it, please. Just don't. That'll make me hate you and right now I really love all of you," I pleaded. Louis let go of me to reveal Niall getting the shots ready. I let the first tear fall and the rest just came uncontrollably.

"Megan. Please don't cry. We love you and we want you to be healthy. If we don't give you these shots you won't be the healthy little girl we want. If you listen to us we'll get you something special. You'll love it as long as you love us," Harry said, grabbing my hands.

I already knew they were gonna do it whether I agreed or not and I knew they were going to do something 'special' no matter what I said. I already knew they were planning on moving in. Yeah, I love them, but I don't know how I'll handle living with a bunch of doctors.

"Haz I love you all with all I have. I just don't want this. Please-" I was cut off by feeling vomit rise in my throat. I ran to the sink, and barely made it. All the guys crowded around, and when I opened my eyes, I was horrified. I had thrown up blood.

"Guys, we need a chest tube. Now," Zayn instructed. "N-no. I-I-I d-don't want it," I cried. They all looked at me with hurt in their eyes and Liam said through tears, "Megan, if we don't do this you could die. We don't want that to happen."

Everything after that went black.


Megan just passed out. Niall made the cuts and I put the chest tube in. We laid her on the table and checked her pulse. Good. This is hard for me and I just met her. I wonder how this is affecting Liam.

"Li? Are you okay? I'll sleep with her tonight for you. You can be on the other side and the guys can be in your bed. We're here and we know how you feel. We feel it too," I explained.

Liam responded with "Thanks bro. I can tell by the way she looks at you that she likes you. If anything happens between you two, please don't break her heart. All the guys she's ever dated have used her. Please don't be like them. That's why I let you help me comfort her. She feels safe in your arms. I can see in her eyes she feels safe only when we're around. Help me make her overcome her fear of doctors." I instantly responded with a nod.

"Louis? Liam? Why- Ow!! What's that for," Megan said, waking up. "Uh, I think the anesthesia wore off. Louis go lay with her. Hold her close because she's going to hate me for what I'm about to do," Liam instructed after briefly looking at Megan.

"Megan, can you help me," I asked. I knew the element of surprise was best to use, so I figured out what to do. She nodded her head and looked at me expectantly. "Can I sleep with you tonight? You need two people next to you and Liam is going to be the other one," I said.


"Of course, Lou. Ow! Liam why'd you do that," I yelled. Harry knew I was in too much pain, so he told Liam they could do the rest tomorrow. "Thanks Haz. Love you all," I said, looking at them all. Harry replied with, "If we hadn't put the chest tube in when we did, you would have died. We're all going to be watching you no matter what. Even if one of us has to stay home everyday. We'll switch who gets to watch you." I nodded my head in response.

"Louis what am I supposed to do about getting dressed? And what about sleeping," I questioned. Zayn responded with, "Louis and Liam will be sleeping with you to make sure you don't mess up the tube and we'll all help you change your clothes. It's very hard, so you're going to have to cooperate with us." "What?! Am I at least allowed to cuddle with them," I cried.

Liam saw how hurt I was with having to go through all this, so he helped me out and said, "Guys, she's only 15. How about we help her out by making the decisions for her and comforting her." They all nodded, sending relief through my mind.

I just wish Louis knew how I felt. He'd be there for me and he'd definitely be able to make me feel safe and calm.

"Louis can I talk to you," I said, breaking the silence. He nodded as Liam winked then walked out with the rest of the guys.

"I'm sorry about this," I started, "I like you. You're cute, you care for me, and you've helped me loads. I need someone to take the pain away by talking and that's exactly what you and the guys do. You make me happy. Even though we just met, I feel like I can talk to you. I know I'm way too young and not good enough for you, plus it's illegal. Just forget what I said it doesn't matter."

Louis just stood there in shock. "I like you too. You're adorable, and you actually just got over your fear of doctors. Well, at least us. How about this. We wait until your 18th birthday and I'll stay single and if you still want me, my arms will be open wide," he assured me. I nodded eagerly and jumped into his arms, forgetting about the chest tube.

"Louis!" I screamed, "It hurts so much! Help me!" Louis grabbed me and held me in his arms, holding the tube at a slight angle. Whatever he did worked. It didn't hurt as much as it had. "Lou, how'd you do that? You're amazing," I asked. He looked at me and said like it was obvious, "I'm the only reason we haven't taken you to the hospital. I'm a trauma doctor so I can do any trauma as long as I have what I need."

I nodded and buried my face into his chest, crying because of what's been happening. "Louis, thanks so much for helping me with all this. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead. I love you," I told him.

"Love you too. Liam has something to tell you, and it's important so I suggest you take a nap so you'll be prepared. Promise me you won't get scared though," Louis suggested. "Okay?" I responded, then went to sleep on Louis.

A/N: Laid down an angel today. My older brother Vince. This book is dedicated to him in heaven. I wish I could have had more time with him, but it was an honor to have been his little sister and to have been as close to him as I was. His absence will be felt deeply and he will be deeply missed.

October 9, 1989-April 24, 2018

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