A summers night should be one unforgettable, so why do I still here wasting seconds on minutes on hours thinking about what could've been this last year?
Do you ever feel this particular pain in the back of your mind that sits there, and reminds you how much of a waste you are? It's called a demon. I've got tons of them, little demons that sit on my heart, stomach and mind. They suck.
I used to have millions of these guys circulating every waking thought. "You're not good enough. Lose weight, get rid of your acne, have perfect teeth, do your hair and you might be enough." The thing about these demons is that they're huge liars. You may think that you need to obtain all these judgmental factors but all you really need is love and light.
Anyway, these demons are telling me how much of a loser I am for staring at my ceiling fan spin for the past hour. They're telling me I need to get a life. So it's now 11:15 and I've come to the conclusion that this life is not one for me. I've come up with this epiphany by staring at my ceiling fan at 11:00 pm, while all the others have a fun first night of summer and I lay awake at what is now 11:20pm, staring at my ceiling fan.