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Tiffani: *jumped down from the vent and ran down the hallway*

Tiffani: mind: I need to escape here now!

(PAUSE! You are probably confused on what is happening right now...I wouldn't blame you 😆 sit back because this might take a bit to read.. this is our main character, but this was in the past. Tiffani is in a place called the Labs in Hell. As you can guess she is a demon, and she is only 7 at the time.. in the Labs they do horrible things, like tests and experiments. It was all run by a man named Dr. Twist. Most of the experiments can cause permanent damage to someone.. Now you are probably wondering where Tiff's family is..well, in her original family she had a twin sister Robin. One day she was killed by a group called The Hoods, it's a group of people who wore hoods, obviously, but they take children and use them to do their work, when the kid is useless to them...they kill the them... One day Tiff's parents left her by age 3..and she was put in a different family.. though, they didn't care about her and Tiffani had snapped one day and...killed them... then she was put into a third family and, the father had a son named Dominic...but he prefers Dom so -,- anyway, the father would beat Tiffani and Dom, the Mom would try to stop him but... one day she had was a tragic day for both Tiff and Dom, but the father didn't care. Tiffani was different from everyone, she had depression, she heard voices in her head, underage smoking and drinking, she'd cut herself, take pills...the list goes on... while in the Labs she got something called a Corrupter, they are made to, well corrupt the person. Tiff had a Corrupter and her name was Gemini, like the zodiac sign but she was crueler. Gemini would tell Tiff that, "no one cares about you" or, "no one would even notice if you disappeared" ...Tiff tried to kill herself many times yet failed...that's only half of her back story..and I don't want to waste your time 😅. So to speed things along a couple of years go by and Tiff escapes and leaves Hell and she is back on, well Earth I guess? And she meets a girl named Nash, they become friends and she offers Tiff to stay at her place with her older sister. She accepts)

Experiment C ~ {Chapter 1}Where stories live. Discover now