A Dream Come True

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There are two kinds of dreams. There are dreams that we have while asleep and the dreams that we have while we are awake. What is the connection between the two types? Both kinds of dreams are about the yearnings that are held deep inside of us. Some of these desires are so secret that we dare not share them even with our closest friends. Those of us that dare to put our dreams down on paper are showing the courage and faith that they will come true. This is the story of a simple dream. Not one of glory, fame, or riches. But a simple dream. This is a dream of love.

The phrase 'a one light town' is often used to describe a small town. Well the town I grew up in was so small it didn't even have 1 light. There are only two ways into East Vandergrift. You either came down the Lane from Vandergrift or down McKinley Avenue from the Sheridan road. McKinley Avenue is the Main Street and only stretches for 7 blocks. The main intersection is McKinley Avenue and East Vandergrift Lane where you'll find the only 4 way stop sign in town.

That intersection was like the center of the universe for us guys and gals growing up in East Vandergrift. The corner is where we hung out and passed the days away. There was Carnegie's, a little store that had pinball machines, candy, pop, and snacks. Directly across McKinley Avenue from Carnegie's were Holy Trinity Catholic Church and school. Catty corner from Carnegie's was Barluck's a store that tried to compete with Carnegie's but lost out in the long run. Then across E.V. Lane from Carnegie's was Yakulis' market.

The market was owned and run by Pauline Yakulis, a widow. Her and her husband Harry had started the market while raising their family. It was a typical small town store that carried meats, fresh produce, milk and all the necessities that folks needed for everyday living. It was a thriving business when Harry died suddenly of a heart attack. His death left Pauline alone to continue the business along with raising their family. There were three boys, Tom, Paul, and Larry, as well as, the baby of the family a girl, Mary Carla.

Now Mary Carla was three years younger than I was. So when I became of age to hang out on the corner, she was in the sixth grade. A cute little girl, but hey I was a ninth grader who could hang on the corner, looking at high school girls. The next three years went by and now I was a senior while she just was starting tenth grade. Well something happened in those 3 years. The little girl was now a hot teenager.

What a metamorphosis had taken place. Mary Carla now stood 5 foot 10 inches in her stocking feet. Mary's hair was a medium blond with natural highlights, and her eyes as blue as the summer sky. She had a smile that could light up any room as soon as she walked in. A member of Kiski Areas High School color guard, she carried the American flag. She was impossible to miss on the playing field at half time. From a little girl to every teenage guys dream girl in East Vandergrift.

She was so attractive that on Friday nights before a home football game all the guys would gather early on the corner just to watch her leave her house. We even left one guy standing outside as a look out if we went in Carnegie's to play pinball or get a drink. If she was coming out of her house, he would open up the door and yell in 'Mary is leaving!!!' We would then rush out to catch a glimpse of her. She was by far the best looking girl in town.

It was at that time when I first told the guys I was going to date that girl. Not sure when or how it would happen but it would happen. The response was always the same. 'Yeah right Kurt, in your dreams boy in your dreams.'

I would just smile and say 'Nothing wrong with dreaming, and hey some dreams do come true.' We all laughed.

That senior year flew by, as did the summer. In the fall it was off to Pittsburgh for nursing school. I did manage to make it home several times that fall to hook up with my buddies and go to the football games. Each time we did, it was the same.

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