School's out.

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"With that I'll say have a great summer vacation and we'll see you next year."

I wait anxiously for the bell to ring, talking my finger on the desk. Come on, come on, come on... I chant to myself. Seconds feel like years waiting for this bell, the final bell for summer.

Then finally the glorious sound of the school bell sounds. I jump up as fast as I can and rush into the hallway. Today is probably the only day that everyone is happy and smiling in the hall. I wait for Tom outside my class. After a minute he appears with a toothy grin on his face.

"Hello Handsome." I say when he gets close enough.

"Hi Beautiful," he says with that heart melting smile. We start walking down the hallway and I reach over and take his hand, he gives me a questioning smile but then goes back to our content walk. We walk through the front grounds and get on the sidewalk.

"Hey Cap!" A voice calls. Tom turns abruptly searching for the source. I see a boy approaching and look up at Tom to see if he knows this kid.

"Hey Sam, what's up man?" Tom says to the kid.

"And how's this you got with ya? A real beauty this one." The new kid, Sam, says.

"Why thank you." I say probably blushing, I feel a little warm.

"Hey, hey," Tom says jokingly," she's kinda taken."

"You got it boss, but she's not really my type." He says with a looming behind him like he's expecting someone.

"Pardon?" I ask, not offended but curious by what he meant by that.

"Sam's gay." Tom says with a nod to Sam to affirm his statement.

"Right," Sam says still looking behind him," actually if you have a minute you can meet my boyfriend."

I look at Tom and shrug, why not. "Sure, why not. How's is Alfie?" Tom asks making conversation.

"He's good, he's going on a short road trip with his brother tomorrow thought next week so we're planning on having a little date tonight before he leaves. What're y'all up to?" Sam says, his eyes shifting from the ground to glancing up at us and back to the ground multiple times.

"We're going down the street for ice cream and then I'm not sure what we'll do. You and Alf are welcome to come join us, wait, let me consult the Mrs." Tom says turning to me with an eyebrow raised.

"Absolutely." I agree. Jus then a boy who looks around our age with short blond hair comes around the corner.

"There's my boy now." Sam says stepping away from us and towards the boy. When he walks up he's a little shorter than Tom who greets him and shakes his hand, a lot more formal than with Sam.

"Alf, Erin. Erin, my boyfriend Alfie." Sam says once Tom and him are done and he can get Alfie's attention.

"Nice to meet you." Alfie says extending a hand to me, which I take for a gentle hand shake.

"Hey, so they're headed to grab some ice cream. Wanna join them?" Sam asks Alfie. Allie nods his approval.

We all start the walk down the side walk; Tom and me holding hands and Sam and Alfie holding hands as we walk. The walk isn't long but it was long enough for us to get comfortable and start joking around with each other.

When we walk in the ice cream shop it smells like vanilla and waffle cones making my mouth water. We walk up to the counter, "what can I get the two lovely couples today?" The girl behind the counter asks.

I step forward," I would like a scoop of butter pecan in a sugar cone and the handsome one behind me would like," I glance behind me at Tom and smile," two scoops of cookie dough in a cup."

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