the only thing i fear...

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I was still awake, i couldn't sleep again...i didn't want to have..those dreams was horrifying enough, to see that pig of a man..that very skinny woman..if that was a woman considering how skinny she was compared to her pig of a assumed to be husband and a whale of a child. It was horrible enough to see them, i didn't like my dreams of them. In them that pig hurts me so much that i can still feel the phantom pains even now. That skinny woman hurts me to, but not as much as him. The whale likes to hunt me down with his group and pick on me, they hurt me too.

I don't get it..why do i keep having that dream over and over again. Now I'm afraid of humans and I'm an apprenticed supreme kai. I'm so confused, I'm so tired. I hate those dreams, why can't they just go away? I..want go away..i thought before i fell asleep for the first time in many weeks.

~time skip to when the first zamasu killed his sensei but he doesn't in this one~

They left...thank the gone...i don't think i would be able to stay in his presence any farther because of my fear. I was able to serve the tea to my teacher, i was able to relax and watched him drink it slowly. I felt a fondness to only a select few.

My teacher is one of the only ones i hold in my heart and that I'm fond of. He's one of the only ones i can truly relax with and without a worry. Though I'm confused, i still sense them close but i can't pinpoint where..Then all of a sudden i had a headache and was a bit dizzy. I held my forehead with a confused expression as i did not know where this came from all of a sudden. Then i blacked out.

~time skip~

I came to as i held my head in my hands. I looked up with a confused look, what's going? What are they doing back here? My eye's slide a little further...human! I felt terror grip my heart as soon as i saw him. I inch back a little and tensed up. "Master Gowasu what happened? When did lord beerus and lord whis get here?" i asked trying to ignore the..human..master Gowasu relaxes and signs with relief. I frown in confusion.

"Great your back zamasu." master gowasu said. Ugh that always happens, we both found out about my other self a while back. "What exactly happened master gowasu? Did my other self fight?" i asked as he frowned. "Yes, it was odd because it's the first time your other self acted out like that and towards a human no less." master gowasu said. "Other self? What are you talking about?" lord beerus said. "A while ago we found out about his other self. Though he usually switches without warning and doesn't usually get a headache unless his other self thinks there are enemies around. It only happened once that i know of. I didn't tell zamasu about it because no one one was hurt and i didn't want him to feel guilty about his other self." he said.

I already felt guilty and i didn't even know what my other self did..."Enemy? But there is no enemy among us...unless..." lord beerus started saying but cut himself off. "The only one that was attacked was the human." master Gowasu said. I blinked a few times as they continued to talk. My eye's went back to the human, terror coursing through my veins...i slowly inch back away from him. The human inched forward, i paled a little. No..stay away human! Don't come any closer! I thought as i started moving backwards a little faster.

Terror can't be described..i can't describe how i feel that a human is here and that he is getting closer..then he was in front of me, i shoot back and end up more then 20 inches away and into a building. Terror flies across my face for a split second before it vanishes. "..Hmm..interesting..hey goku come here a second." lord beerus said as goku headed towards him. I felt my body relax as he walked further away from me. Thank the heavens...then lord beerus was next to me, i froze and my eye's widen a bit as i tensed out of reflex.

I didn't feel fear because lord beerus wasn't human, so i relaxed my muscles. He had a thoughtful look on his face as he hummed. "Hmm..interesting..goku come here." lord beerus said as i paled. When the human got closer, i started to inch back. He got even closer and closer. I tensed up, fear coursing through my veins. Then he was right in front of me, i shot back in a quick motion and through a building, fear flickering on my face as i tried to get further away from him..

Understanding dawned on their faces just then, they now know my other self considered the human an enemy and acted according and attacked him. "Zamasu..your afraid of this human?" master Gowasu asked. "I..fear all humans.." i said. "But why zamasu?" master Gowasu asked again, confused. "I..don't think you'll understand master Gowasu..every night..i have those dreams and can't sleep as much as i used to..those awful dreams.." i said.

"Zamasu..what kind of dreams?" master gowasu asked me, a bit concerned now. "More like nightmares..alright I'll tell dreams mostly has a few humans in it. There is this big pi-i mean man if you call him that. Then there is that very skinny woman who looks more of an animal then human. Then we have what i think is their child, a whale and his little gang. They all hurt me, i guess humans would have called it abuse and all that other stuff. I still feel phantom pains every now and then from them, even though they are just dreams. It left a huge impression on me. Even if it wasn't real, i don't know why i get those dreams. I just do." i said a little to much.

They shared looks as i kept my eye's on the human. I'm not letting him out of my sight, i don't want him to get too close. I am afraid of humans after all...that's the only fear i have...the only thing i fear..was human..those dreams..those nightmares... every time, which is every night, i have them, my other self comforts me...i don't know why...or how...but he comforts me...i feel relaxed and peaceful around him...even though he only comes out when i feel like I'm in danger or when he thinks it or feels it or something...i..kinda like's the only comfort i have besides master gowasu..."zamasu...we think you might have been a human who had been abused and all and died and then get reincarnated as you. It must have been a very painful death..otherwise you wouldn't have been reborn. Only those who truly have suffered have been reborn as one of us..." master gowasu said with a Reborn from a human who had been hurt so much? ...That makes sense... then... those aren't nightmares but memories of my past self? Is that why you are here with me, my other self? protect other future self...i will protect you from all dangers..i am more powerful then even the god of gods...he has no power over me..for am i from another and different universe... from that past universe..lord zeno had no control of...only fate and death did...and a few others...the last universe...of the golden realm...the golden dragon protects the golden realm...even from gave me a choice to die and never have to worry and have my family...or be reborn, someday get summoned, mess up the timeline, kill some humans, and protect my future but younger self...i choice to be be you... though i am not you...i am the past..but you are the future..the one person i cherish...and will protect at all cost is you zamasu...only you...unless you ask me of course..then i will do what you ask matter what...

Really? That means so much to me...but...what is the golden realm? I asked mentally but he only chuckled and told me to ask the others...ok...i will.."master gowasu...what is the golden realm?" i ask as everyone but the human freezes. Shock and surprise cross their faces.."How do you know about the golden realm?" lord beerus asks shocked. "My other self used to live there...the..golden realm protected by the golden dragon...even from their selves..or something like that..." i said with a frown..."the one is really able to get there unless they have someone that lived there guide us..and even then we need the golden dragon permission to be able to go in...because only one universe is still there..there used to be so many but now there is only one left..."lord whis said explaining a little about where my past self used to live..

So it is true..did you really doubt me? No but i needed to make sure it was real and all..i still keep thinking this might be a dream and't worry, you are still very much awake. Yeah i figured as much...yikes..i think i might faint...i sit down for a while, thinking about all this new stuff i just learned about myself..or past self...i think i need a nap before thinking more of this...then i went back inside and to my room and went to sleep...

Finished! Sorry if it's not good but it's my first dbz and harry potter..even though it's a crossover...i hope you like and enjoy reading this! I don't think anyone did think but i had this idea in my head and had to write it...well until next time..ja ne~!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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