Found again

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Ink and the others had begun to sense a great power inside of Undertale. Ink called a meeting of the skeletons in order to find this power source. The power caused fear inside of all the skeletons because they had never sensed this power. But Ink could vaguely recall this power along with Error. Ink began the meeting, speaking with a voice ladden with authority.

Ink,"Alright everyone, I know we are fearful of this strange new power. We have tracked it to undertale but could not pinpoint the source. We need to now scower Undertale for this power. Origin do you have any idea of where it could be?"

Origin,"Well I'm not sure where the power could be coming from, but maybe if we search the deep caves of waterfall we could find it. That's the only places you could hide undisturbed."

With this topic discussed the skeletons headed off for the caves of waterfall. They entered the caves carefully, not knowing when they would come across the source of the great power. They searched for around three hours when they came across a cavern hall covered in glowing green and blue moss. On the entrance to the hall were ancient runes and symbols. They decided to enter the hall and after ten minutes of walking they encountered a large dragon statue. The statue was about eight feet tall and covered in thick, black chains. The statue was made of a dark colored stone that they couldn't identify. Its dark brown eyes were laiden with other small flecks of color. It had great wings that were about seven feet long with terrible claws that looked able to tear through the strongest metal. Its horns were curved back with a sharp point. It felt like the statue was following them with its eyes. Sci decided to approach to statue cautiously, feeling the power and what felt like rage radiate from its stony body. As Sci got even closer he saw more runes on the stone body and what look like a thick metal collar. Sci beckoned the other skeletons over so they could help him investigate the dragon. As Ink and Error got closer, their feelings of deja vu grew more. They knew this dragon statue from somewhere but they couldn't recall where. Blue wanted to get closer to the statue to touch its stone body. As his hand made contact with the stone he yelped and pulled his hand back. Commander came over with Medic to see what had happen. He asked blue what was wrong.

Blue,"The statue feels like it's on fire. When I touched it I was suprised and my hand was burned."

Blue the showed Medic and the others his hand. The bones were discolored like Error's black bones. As Medic touched his hand Blue yelled in pain. Medic called Frost(Ice sans i think) over to cool the burns. Frost numbed blue's hand and then approached the dragon. He shot ice at it and the chains. The sudden temperature change seemed to cause the chains to snap. Once the chaibs snapped the runes and symbols glowed brightly and shattered. After that the cavern began to shake and the temperature began to rise. Fearful of this, Ink created a barrier around all of them. Just as the barrier went up a large explosion of light and heat burst from the statue. Once the light had disappeared, they no longer saw a statue but a real dragon in its place. The dragon turned its mighty head towards the skeleton group and let out a roar louder than a volcanic eruption. Its eyes became fixated on Ink, the eyes filled with rage and hatred. The skeletons all gulped their nonexistent throats. The dragon opened its mouth and the skeletons thought fire was going to blow at them, but instead the dragon spoke.

Dragon,"Well, well Ink, it has been a long time hasn't it. Around two hundred thousand years if I'm right. Oh how "good" it is to see your disgusting face. And here I thought you had forgotten about me."

Origin gathered his courage and said,"Who are you dragon and how do you know Ink?"

The dragon responded with a gravely laugh, like it had not talked in years. Which it had not.

Dragon,"Oh young skeleton I am Karyn, last of the dragons and their queen. I know Ink because he trapped me here two hundred thousand years ago. Oh but he seems to have forgotten me along with Error. Well no matter. Now that I am free I will get my revenge on the multiverse for destroying my kind and of course on Ink too. Oh how fun it will be. Now Ink I believe we were fighting when your trapped me. Shall we resume?"

With that said Karyn the dragon launched a blue fire ball at Ink's barrier. The barrier held but had begun to crack. The skeletons could feel the heat scorch their bones and this caused their fears to grow. Ink launched out of the barrier, brush in hand to attack Karyn. He flung black paint at her to chain her. Error also launched his strings at the dragon to imobilze her. When she was freed and spoke, they both had remembered her. She had tried to completely destroy all monsters and humans after her kind was wiped out. They remembered their battle and how they only won by working together. They had to stop her before she could leave her cave and kill all life. But she had other plans. Karyn knew her power was weak from her imprisonment and with the back up they had she wouldn't win. So she flew up to the cavern ceiling and created a portal in the stone. The skeletons could see grass and other plants through the portal and thought she was heading to another Au. She wasn't however. She was going to her pocket dimension, the home of dragons or that was what it was. As she was finishing the portal, she put up a barrier so that they couldn't follow her. As she went through the portal she shot one more blast and said.

Karyn,"Once my powers are back to full strength, I will return for my revenge. Goodbye for now skeletons. It was fun to terrify you."

With a spine chilling laugh, she left and the portal closed. Gsans spoke a few words that everyone was thinking.

Gsans,"Dear Fate and Destiny help us. We are very much doomed. What can we so now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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