Shotgun Seat

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It's 9pm, I got out of the office at 6pm but here I am still on the way home, stuck in the middle of the highway while the heavy rain was blinding my windshield. My stupid car broke again for the hundredth time this month. I was able to pull my car on the side of the road before it completely stopped working. Just my luck.

I can hear the loud sirens of the cars passing by but none of them stopped to help me. Of course who would? It's fucking raining hard with lightnings and loud thunders too. I just sat there in silence spacing out, probably pitying myself for being in this situation when I saw my phone on my dashboard. I picked it up and called the first person who I think could help me get out of this predicament. I scrolled through my phonebook and stopped when her name appeared.


Although a little hesitant, I pressed call. It took four rings before it was picked up.

"Hey, Lisa.. "

"Jen, what's up? Why did you suddenly call?"

"Uhm.. are you busy right now? I hate to be a bother but i'm stuck on the road right now it's raining and my car just bro.." I mumbled fast probably from panic.. or embarrasment.

"Your car broke again? I thought you got it fixed alrea.. message me the exact place. I'll pick you up."

I texted her the exact place and 30 minutes later I saw a car stopped infront of mine.

There she was. She has always been my life saver. My superhero. Her long limbs flashed as she stepped out of her car. She has the best legs in the entire world. She would always wear jeans cause she's really not the type to flaunt her assets but I always encouraged her to be proud of it. Not all people gets to be blessed with such amazing long legs like hers. I smiled when she fully got out of her car. She was wearing shorts matched with her favorite white band tee under her dark blue blazer. Her orange hair looked dark brown under the dim street light. Still beautiful. She looked radiant even. She must be sleeping full eight hours a day. She was holding an umbrella over her head on her right hand and another still unopened umbrella on her left. I got out of my car even before she approached me. I ran towards her not minding the rain. We shared the umbrella she was holding.

"Why did you get out already? Look we're getting wet!" She lectured but I didn't respond. We walked side by side towards her car. Just like a normal day for us where she would pick me up in my office. She works not far away from mine. She would wait for me in the lobby of my workplace or in the fast food chain just beside the building. She finishes work at 5 and I finish at 6. She would just read books while she waits or finish her work on her laptop.

I was about to open the door of the shotgun seat, my seat, when she stopped me and signalled me to go straight ahead. She opened the door of the backseat and instructed me to sit there instead. She closed the door when I successfully got inside the car then she headed towards the driver's seat.

"Hey... here's tissue. Dry yourself up" The woman sitting on the shotgun seat quickly turned back to me to hand me a roll of tissue. There was a woman on the shotgun seat. Even in the dark I can sense she's pretty. With straight long black hair. Or was it brown? I don't know and I don't care right now. Her voice was soft but her words made me stiff. The woman then turned to her left and attended to the wet woman who just got on the driver's seat. My woman. Well, she used to be. She was my woman for 6 years. I used to be the one taking care of her. Caressing her. Worrying for her.

I didn't know that I am not ready yet to see her with someone else. Heck, will I ever be ready though?

I didn't know what to feel. Just moments ago I felt really cold but I suddenly can't feel anything anymore. My body stiffened as water dripped from my wet hair. This woman riding shotgun which I can barely see from the darkness inside the car is holding Lisa's shoulder in her left hand and on her right is a tissue paper carefully but lovingly patting Lisa's wet hair and clothes. "Aish.. babe you might get sick."

My hair is not the only one dripping with wetness. Thank God that the inside of the car was dark, or they might have notice the tears that escaped from my eyes from witnessing this scene in front of me.

I shouldn't have called her. What was I thinking?

I thought this was what I wanted.

But why did it break my heart?

Was this my karma for breaking hers?


A/N: It's probably confusing to you but the next chapters will most likely be flashbacks. This is more like a teaser?

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