Note from the writer:
I just noticed on the "Works" tab there is a lightning bolt, therefore I feel inspired to include a few Harry Potter references in the story, enjoy. ϟ
This is a rather odd looking cave, not like the ones you see in films. It's dark but I hear no bats, nor any bears. It's basically just a big hole in the earth covered by a lid that a local man (or woman) placed there to keep out the sheep. How.. delightful.
"I believe you're going the wrong way" was the verdict of a passer by who acted upon his omnipotence*, as I turned I noticed his long, black and silver hair, pulled back messily to keep it from his face. Dark circles under his eyes suggesting his lack of sleep from previous nights while his ~Sirius~ smile led me to believe otherwise.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I replied in a sarcastic manor. I didn't have the time or patience to waste with arrogant comments like his. He seemed like the type that would be full of them.
"If you keep going that way, you'll end up in the middle of nowhere" he carried on with a smirk on his face. Shrugging my shoulders I continued North, ignoring the better half of my judgement, not wanting to give in to the mans "helpful" words. As I walked off I heard a shout from the distance,
"Don't say I didn't warn you" were the last words I heard from him, at least for now.
Returning home to my cosy little cottage, my personal patch of perfection as I commonly referred to it as, I couldn't help but wonder who the stranger from earlier in the day was. He wasn't someone I'd seen before and I had lived here for a very long time. Just as I began to unwind the grandfather clock left by my grandfather, such a cliche, chimed and catching me off guard caused me to fall off my little rocking chair. Thankfully no one was around to see me fall, so I gathered myself back up and decided to move to a less chimey room, my bedroom to be precise. I walked in happy that I have my own private place that I could be myself, without judgement. Looking around I could remember the walls when I moved in full of little teddy bears and smiley faces, what is now my bedroom used to be the nursery. Now t's full of band posters, all the people I love including family, friends and idols. My double bed with plenty of room for myself and my girlfriend, when she visits that is. I haven't seen her for a week or so now but she's busy, I understand. When we are together though I'm happier than I ever thought possible. I love her.
*End of Chapter 1.*
*Omnipotent: All seeing, all knowing.