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What's so funny about today, not only was it Y/n's birthday, but it's also Halloween. Some think she has the best birthday in the world, but sometimes she'll think otherwise-- depending how she is feeling each year. Pretty soon, the city will be having its parade full of music and costumes.

When she got home with her birthday gift; the flag, she set walked in to find that her Aunt and Uncle are preparing to leave for the Knicks game. Speaking of the game, Y/n felt her smartphone buzz in her pocket and she opened up the message. When she opened the message, it was a photo of Donnie and his brothers eating a full pie of pizza inside of the Jumbotron. She grinned at the silly photo before going into the bathroom to give herself a makeover. She pulled out some black and white makeup from a drawer and took an old beauty blender so she could cover up her skin in white face paint. Next, she began dabbing black makeup on her eye sockets and the tip of her nose.

Quickly, Y/n finished off her look with a red flower crown and smiled at the sugar skull makeup through the mirror. Before she left the bathroom, Y/n sent a quick Halloween selfie to Donnie, giving him a share for share. After she sent it to him, Y/n put on a black wind blocker and grabs her bag from her room so she could enter the spooky city.


At Madison Square Garden, coming from inside the Jumbotron, Donnie is speaking to April through his headset mic. He was getting an update from April O'Neil, a news reporter who is staking out on Baxter Stockman at Grand Central Station. "Uh...yeah." He says, nodding every so often. "Baxter Stockman... Right... The watch, yeah..." He listened some more. "Okay, if you're gonna hack into his accounts, you'll need to get close... within three feet of his devices--"

"Awesome," April says to him through the call. 

Before April hung up the call, Don stopped her. "Wait, April! I need some advice."

"What kind?"

Don was sort of embarrassed about asking questions-- especially about girls. Especially bout Y/n. "It's about Y/n." He said over the roaring crowd. The Knicks must have gotten the ball into the basket again. "Do girls, uh..." He chuckled lightly. "Well, in general, do they like it when the guy goes all out for them?"

"Mm..." April mumbled. "Depends on the girl, Don. Since we are talking about Y/n, I'd take it easy. Be simple but not too simple, know what I mean?"

Don nodded at April's words. "Right, um... I've started having these weird feelings. I get fluttery inside."

"I noticed." April laughed. "You're pretty obvious."

"No way." Don chuckled. "How so? Did she notice?"

April replied. "I don't think so. You gotta stop staring at her-- Try glancing." She paused, thinking of another thing Donnie does. "And if you don't want to scare her off, try being smooth with your chats and ease into deep conversations-- not so fast and weird, don't fidget. Ya know? Just nod and say 'yeah, yeah, I get you.'..."

As she spoke, Donnie was already fidgeting and felt his pulse rising. Y/n isn't even next to him and he is getting nervous. But he understood what he needed to do the next time he saw his...crush. "I got it, I got it." Don smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Okay... Thanks, April. Good luck on the stakeout."

"You're welcome," April says to him. "And thanks for looking out, buddy. Talk to you soon."

Don hung up the call and as soon as he did, he saw his little brother eating his third pizza slice. Then, the last piece was slid through the cardboard box and eventually escaped, falling toward the gym floor below. Right away, the Brothers watch one of the basketball players slip on the delicious triangle, creating an entire scene in front of the crowd.

𝑨 𝑴𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕'𝒔 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕  (TMNT '16) 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝟏 **UNDER REVISION**❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now