Trouble with the girls with swag

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 The airport was crowded with people rushing to and from, Ella scowled with frustration as panicked people pushed and bumped off her innocently .

She was traveling to London with her mother and little sister Bella and not to forget her best friend Nature . London wasn't the most exciting place to travel to but it was Ella's first ever holiday abroad and she planned to enjoy every minute of everyday with her closest friend and she also heard London held some potential cute guys.

"This way kids," Suzanne - Ella's mother demanded she had a tight grip on Bella's fragile little four year old hand and the other trailing a large suite case behind her,she headed off through the sea of the crowd.

Ella glanced at the shop and spotted a guy just her type,pale,neatly spiked Carmel brown hair and light green eyes, a smirk worked upon her lips.

She strolled over knocking bystanders in the process with Nature hot on her heels, she could hardly heard Nature seethe her name among so many people .

The pale spiked hair boy smiled shyly at Ella. Ella's eyes danced with amusement,as she expected he was shy and most probably innocent,just how she liked them so she knew she could protect her heart with the control and obedience she held over them.

She was innocent herself but she was also lively and dramatic, that's what happens when the guy you give your heart to breaks it in millions of pieces, you start to play it on the safe side, with safe guys, who have safe boring intentions Ella thought dully.

"Hi I'm Ella," she greeted stretching out her hand with a cute irresistible smile.

"Toby," he grasped Ella's hand with a slight blush to his cheeks.

"So where you off to?" He asked with his shy boy grin.

"London," She kept it short and simple wanting to get to the catch.

"Oh cool," He nodded the blush on his cheeks spread with his next few words " c-can I have your number?".

Ella grinned finally the catch Ella thought before she could reply or scribble her digits down for him a heavy panting noise erupted from behind her before she even turned around she knew it was Nature ready to pounce for the kill. She bite her lip as she turned to see her best Friend red in the face .

"Hey Nature, lovely weather were having isn't it? " Ella joked trying to ease her mood. Natures eyes widened in a terrifying, scary way. Ella almost wanted to runaway form her crazed out friend.

"I've been bumped off, pushed at, Ive even been knocked over by a little girl with an ' I hearth the vampire diaries' t-shirt on and Wheeling a Barbie suitcase, I was knocked over, sprawled out on the floor, people were walking over me and then I find you flirting with a guy, " she ranted.

Ella turned to Toby and saw his flushed expression,she gave him a reassuring smile. "My friend,she forgot to take her pills today she's usually not this..... insane,she's really only this insane on Fridays," she told him.

"It is Friday," He pointed out with a frightened expression . " I-Ive got t-to-o go," He stuttered . Nature chuckled behind Ella .

She turned to her with her hands on her hips and her mouth ajar "Its Monday," She stated. Nature had an amusing smile on her face .

"Its Friday Ella, you never know the day ... it's a normal thing for you," She chuckled.

"Lie," Ella gasped. Nature continued to laugh ,Ella was, has and always will be over dramatic.

Nature looked at her watch her eyes widened "Were late," She cried " The plane leaves in three minutes " She grabbed Ella's hand and they both became two panicked teenagers in the sea of people running and pushing their way through crowd. They both stopped with a halt.

"Which way did your mom go," Nature asked quickly.

Ella chewed her bottom lip she couldn't remember which way her mother went she was to busy checking out Toby.

"Left," She guessed.

They continued running.

They reached the entrance of the tunnel,a women dressed in a sleek black uniform with light black hair tied in a tight bun flashed a fake welcoming smile.

"Tickets," She asked dully.

Nature and Ella pulled out their tickets from their pockets and quickly handed them over. The women didn't even look at the tickets,she just threw them in a neat pile on the small desk in front of her .

"Have a good trip," She faked beamed.

Ella relaxed your whole inner body. She scanned the plane for her mother and Bella bout there was no sign of them yet, So she decided just to take a seat next to Nature.

They looked at each other for a minute and then burst out laughing . "You should have seen you're when that guy ran away," She said between laughter.

Ella crossed her arms over her chest and sulked in to her chair, that only made Nature laugh louder. After only ten minutes Ella dosed off into a relaxing sleep.

"Ella wake up," Nature braked. Ella groaned.

"What,"She grunted.

"Where landing now," Nature claimed. She sat up, blinking rapidly.

The seat belt sigh flashed and the air host said in a clear sweet voice "If you could please put on your seat belts as we are now landing " Ella and Nature strapped their seat belts securely around them.

"Have you seen my mom or Bella " She asked Nature cursorily .

Nature hesitated for a minute " No,I think she's at the back of the plane," . Ella nodded in argument .

The air host came back into view and spoke again "We will be landing in Malibu in five minutes," she smiled showing her extremely white teeth.

Ella whipped her head around to look at Nature her mouth dropped open "M-Mail-bu," she stuttered with wide eyes.

Nature nodded her eyes double in size "Ella i think we got on the wrong plane," she cried the obvious.

Ella felt as if her heart dropped, she didn't know what she was going to do now but she knew one thing her mother was certainly not on this plane.


the story has been edited :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2012 ⏰

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