When you, yourself know what social anxiety and depression feel like, you don't feel sorry for someone who's just like you.
Introverted souls dwell where they shouldn't belong.
They make extroverts feel sad for them. They don't want empathy. They want to be heard
Longing for a voice always caught in their throats
They're screaming our lungs out, pleading to fit in. Truth is, their nothing more than introverts.
No matter how much pain they're in, no one would know.
"You look the same"
"You never smile"
"Are you okay?"
"Did someone hurt your feelings?"
I'm not asking for your comments or failed attempts at feeling sorry.
I just want a friend, someone to listen.
I'm alone because I look mean, I bring down everyone's mood.
I just want a response.
Randomhonestly just word vomit as a response to The Last by Agust D. Just a little note, this isn't about like other people. It's more personal than that and it'd be great if anyone felt better after reading IF it gets read haha. I wrote it back in a pre...