Maia Winters (Percy Jackson)

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      Disclaimer- I am not Rick Riordan even though I wish I was. I do not own any characters besides the oc ones. Thank you!!
Okay. I'm not gonna repeat my name so if you didn't read the title please do. Anyways, prom is coming up in a few days and hopefully Percy Jackson is gonna ask me out. I've been his best friend since sophomore year. He's one of the only guys I can stand to be around. Sorry, off topic.

      Percy Jackson is the hottest guy at Goode. He has messy raven black hair and gorgeous sea green eyes. I could get lost in them all day if it weren't for school. He looks like he could be a god.

      Oh yeah. The Greek gods revealed
themselves a few weeks ago so the theme of prom is Greek. We don't really know how the gods are real but WHO CARES. Not I. I actually enjoy learning about the gods. The 'mythology' is so interesting.

Anywho, I'm planning on going as a child of Demeter. I'm, as my friends say, one with nature so I only thought it as fitting. I open my locker to get out my books for Greek next when Percy stands beside me.

"Hey Maia," he says smiling.

"Hey Perce. What's up?" He wipes his hands on his sweatshirt and bites his lower lip.

"How would you ask someone to prom?" O. M. G. THIS IS SOOOO CUTE!! He's all nervous and has sweaty palms. Other girls would be disgusted by this but I don't care.

"Well, it depends on her personality. You could also do something based on her favorite color or food or something. I don't know. Just some suggestions."

He smiles and opens his locker. He pulls out a clear box with a corsage inside. It's a grey color. Not dull and boring, but beautiful. It's mainly grey on the petal but around the edges is a teal color, kind of like his eyes. In the middle it goes from grey to light grey to pure white, shimmering in the light. "What do you think of this? Do you think she'll like it?"

"Oh Percy, she'll love it." Just then, Ava the school slut and a 'daughter of Aphrodite' comes up to us and grabs the box from Percy's hand. Rude much.

"Oh, Percy babe. Thank you. This is beautiful. I love it." Percy snatches the corsage from Ava's hands and puts it back in his locker.

"It's not for you Ava. It's for my best friend." She just looks at him in total shock.

"But Percy baby. I'm a daughter of Aphrodite. You should love me." He scoffs at that and we head to Greek class.
/Don't mind me. Just a random time skip to almost prom/
I'm getting ready for prom grabbing my white knee length dress and putting it on. I put my auburn into a loose dutch braid letting it fall over my shoulder. Since I'm dressing as a kind of hippie, I barely put any makeup on. Plus, I don't want to look like all of the slutty girls at school. I only put on some green eyeshadow on to make my forest green eyes pop.

"Oh Maia. You look absolutely beautiful," my stepmom Margret says while stepping into my room. My dog Poppy jumps onto my bed while Margret clasps a gorgeous green and red necklace around my neck.

"Margret, you shouldn't have. You've done so much already." She just nods her head and laughs.

"I've barely done anything for you. I just thought this might make things up." She smiles, a sad look in her eyes.

I turn around and hug her and whisper, "just being here for my dad is enough." We break the hug and a single tear falls silently down her cheek.

She composes herself. "Now then, let's get you to that prom."

On the way to school, we talk. When we get there she tells me, "have fun sweetheart!"

"I will," I yell back. I walk to the doors and hand Mr. Blofis my ticket. "Hey Mr. Blofis. Nice to see you again."

He smiles and says, "you too. Percy's not here yet but he should be soon." I nod my head and thank him.

I walk into the gym and and completely awestruck. It's the coolest thing I've ever seen. The decorations are amazing. There are Greek pillars next to the stage. Tables are set up with names of the Greek gods and goddesses on them. I laugh seeing no one sit at the Hades table.

There is a punch bowl with little rubber fish and there is a bookshelf on the other side of the room. To say the least, it is AMAZING in here. I look to the Aphrodite table just for fun and see Ava and her posey hanging out there looking around for something.

The doors open again and two people walk in. One is Percy but I don't recognize the other. She's wearing a teal floor length dress and some jewelry. She is absolutely beautiful. She has curly blonde hair and startling grey eyes. A perfect tan body. I look to her wrist and see the corsage that Percy had earlier.

My heart breaks a little but as long as he's happy, I'm happy. After all, there is another guy I have had my eye on. His name's Jake Zimmerman. He's cute.

Percy and the mystery girl walk over to us and he smiles. "Wise Girl, I want you to meet my best friend, Maia Winters. Maia, this is Annabeth, my girlfriend." She smiles at me and leans over to Percy. Something about Demeter I think. His eyes widen and he nods at Annabeth.

      "Hey Percy. Leave her and come with me. My mother will make your love life amazing. I promise." Ava walks over to Percy, Annabeth, and I and we all roll our eyes. Just as I was about to say something, Annabeth walks up to her and slaps her right across the face. I just stand there completely shocked but Percy just looks amused.

      Ava looks at Annabeth and yells, "do you know who I am? I am the daughter of Aphrodite. You will be lucky if she doesn't make your love life a living hell."

      "If you're a daughter of Aphrodite then name one of your siblings at camp and name the camp." Ava just stands there like a deer caught in headlights. "Just what I thought." As soon as she said that, a hellhound burst through the door and charges at us. Ava runs away screaming and we just laugh.

      Percy and Annabeth run towards the hellhound and slash at it with swords and daggers not even getting scratched.

      They finish off the hellhound and everyone just stares at them. Percy looks around the gym uncomfortably and says, "maybe this would be a good time to reintroduce myself?"

      We nod and Annabeth slaps him on the back of the head. "Of course Seaweed Brain. Geez." She sighs and Percy turns back to us.

      "I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. Retriever of Zeus's lightning bolt. Slayer of the Minotaur and Medusa and countless other monsters. Sailor of the Sea of Monsters. Defeater of the Titan Kronos and Gaea and other titles I don't feel like naming. Well. Goodbye. Come on Maia. We're going to camp and you're coming with." I nod and follow them out of school and get into a van that says Delphi Strawberry Service.
I step inside the borders and Percy says, "well. We were right. You're a daughter of Demeter, Maia."

That is how I found out I am a demigod.
If you want me to use a character you make up please comment the following:
•looks(hair color, eye color, etc.)
•demigod friend(s)
•status in school/work

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