dom x bri

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I never had the best life but this............... I want to kill tran tanner and the rest


because tran hurt james

because tanner will send j back and put me and my brothers in jail for my mistake

shit I should start at the begining

I was born in new orleans in -------

to la isya snow and james logan howlett

I have 5 older siblings 62 younger

my mother was serpante so I have the ability to take someones dna through touch and can use their characteristics permanantly if I want

my mother was the naga/diante of her nest before it was destoryed and she taken captive

she had my elder broters already with my father who had escaped the same situation a year before

then I was concieved I was born seconds before her escape

then they found a little place in new orleans were we lived til I was 4 when it was atacked

I got my siblings out and my dad wasent there I killed the soliers that hurt my mom

she gave me her shienti before she died

then I ran

the antiqer found me imeaditly

for two years I was beaten and raped repeadily

then I was sold to marcus gabriel tran

there were others in the house me james jessi( twins so much alike we simpley called them jj) romen angel leon bobby jerry jackie letty and shane

marcus gabriel tran liked to carve art work into our skin

soon shane ran away and the rest of us jacked some cars and went to juvie tran was arested two day after the bars slamed shut behind us we were released to evalin mercer she took good care of us

then james disapeared by the time I traked him down he was half dead hanging by his wrists in trans brothers basement I broke in grabbed him and ran

at the hospital tanner thretened to send him back and me to jail so I did what he wanted

but the second j was awake I snuck him out of the hospital sabatoged the evidance leading to tran sr

being arrested for the jackings I took j home and went back to doms garage and waited that is were we are

it takes all my control to not stiffen as the garage door opens and revaels vince it takes him a minute to recognize me what with my now straight black/blue hair silver eyes and slightly feminine body

but then "the hell you doin here pig" then he's wailing on me I simply curl up and protect my head then letty & leon are pulling him off him screaming & fighting the whole way they lock him in the office to cool off "ya all right man" jess asks as he helps me up "oui mon amie just came t give y bac y keys "

"why are ya talking funny man  " this from letty " 't 'ow remy realy talk chere" "oh" I hold out his keys and she takes em

"ya stayin long man" jessie asks hesitatingly "non" "please" and there they are the puppy eyes of doom "'ight"

next thing I know were talking specs jess is super exited to find that I actully understand them compleatly "you remind me a lot of brother" I give him the look I reserved for him while we were growing up "mi?" I nod & earn my self a lap dog he clings to me like I'll disipear while he cries

"mi-mi my mi-mi" " remy here mon petite hush now m 'ere hush" he falls asleep as he calms and I rub his back .............this is how dom finds us I tense as he calls the others in first thing out of vinces mouth is "what the hell did you do to him pig " leon on the other hand smiles and I relize he knows who I am I nod to confirm it and he smiles wider dom asks " brian ?" I nod "make him leave dom" vince whines .....………… pathetic "why he destroyed the evidance and took out the trans ( this directed to vince the next words are for me) ~why~"   " dey urt jaimie "  "who the fuck is jaimie"vince yells "his baby brother my brother and jessies twin" leon responds the look on vince and doms face are pricless "WHAT" vince screams I sigh this is gonna be a long freakin day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

after about 20 minutes me and leon and letty stop luaghing and catch our breath and leon and I start to explain it goes like this

leon:we all came from different back grounds and ended up in a bad place

me: marcus gabriel trans 'home' guuh ne'er agin joke's ami

leon:horid man

me: more like monster

leon:exactley bra man tortured us for about a year then we got a idea

me: yougot an idea mon ami we were going to get arested

leon:so they'd check tran out it worked in my defense

me: and almost got us charged as adults because of your mouth

leon:it wasent that bad

me: ;I look at dom; 10to15


me: enyways we ended up getting adopted by evalin mercer who also adopted the others

leon: me him james jessie bobby angel romen jerry letty jhonny lance and jackie

me: she took care of us till she was killed & we drifted apart ;shigh; then jamie disapeared by the time I traked him down he was half dead hanging by his wrists in trans brothers basement I broke in grabbed him and ran at the hospital tanner thretened to send him back and me to jail so I did what he wanted

but the second j was awake I snuck him out of the hospital sabatoged the evidance leading to tran sr

being arrested for the jackings I took j home and came back to the garage to give back merry keys but as you can see I can't leave now

leon: he was always clingy with you

dom: why

me: I deflected a lot of the worst of his rages from j&j to me

dom: oh

you want to stay for dinner

and that all folks

or is it

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2016 ⏰

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