Simple Adventure [Nouis One-Shot]

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A/N: Sorry, it's so short and fluffy :( *le creys* Enjoy!! xx


***Louis POV***

I sat on the couch, watching Misfits.

Because I think it's damn funny.

A bag of Niall's-Forbidden-But-I'm-Going-To-Eat-Them-Anyway chips sat next to me, and on the other side was some of Harry's-Forbidden-But-I'm-Going-To-Eat-Them-Anyway Haribo gummy bears.

That's right. I'm a thief and damn proud of it.

I realized the adverts were on, and I wanted to switch channels so I could watch Rachael Ray's 30 Minute Meals while Misfits was off. I searched for the clicker, spotting it on the coffee table. I really wanted to change the channel, but the remote was so far away.

How did it get so far away anyway?

How did I get so damn lazy?

Deciding I didn't feel like getting up, I reached futily over for it. I frowned when my hand didn't go anywhere near it. I tried using the force to bring it towards me.

Then I realized I'm not a Jedi.


I grunted, actually moving my upper body to reach. My fingers still didn't come close. I sighed, realizing I would have to do some hardcore stuff to get to the controls. I lifted my foot and went to place it on the floor, then jerked it back, something implanting itself in my mind.

What if the floor was lava?!

I scrutinized the supposedly innocent, carpeted floor. 

It's trying to trick me, eh? Well two can play at that game! 

I got on my knees, hooking my feet over the back of the couch. I fell forwards, using my leg muscles to keep me upright and balanced. Feeling accomplished, I reached forwards, my fingertips grazing the remote.

Come on, just a bit close-

"AHHHHHHHH FUCKING HELL!" Startled by the loud voice resounding from the kitchen, I accidentally unhooked my feet, falling flat onto my nose on the carpeted floor.

AHHHH LAVA- Wait, this isn't lava...

Why did I even think it was lava in the first place?...

Never mind about that, my nose hurts!

I groaned in pain, clutching my aching nose and rolling onto my back.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" The voice screamed again. I frowned, deciding the investigate further why someone was screaming in the kitchen in the first place, and to reprimand them for making me fall on my face. I stood, fixing my t-shirt and walking into the kitchen. I looked around the mostly clean room, frowning at it's emptiness.

"Louis! Shit, get it!" A voice said from above me. I whipped around.


Since when did God have an Irish accent?

I looked up and was surprised with what I saw. Niall was perched on top of the freaking feridgerater, feridgafeaderator, FRIDGE, clutching the cookie jar that was up there, his face pale and hair wild.

"Niall! How the hell did you get up there? Were you the one who was screaming?" I asked, still in awe at him up there. He opened the jar, taking out a sugar cookie and bit into it before replying.

"I actually have no idea how I got here. And yeah, I was the one screaming. Oh my god I just remembered, kill it Louis!" He babbled, eating the cookie. 

"Kill what?" I asked. He pointed to a spot on the floor, bouncing up and down like a child.

"That spider, it's freaking ginormous!" He exclaimed. I turned and saw a relatively large spider on the ground, scuttling towards the fridge. "Oh my FUCKING GOD IT'S GETTING CLOSER LOUIS KILL IT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" He screeched, pushing himself closer against the wall the fridge sat next to. I rolled my eyes and saw a shoe sitting by the legs of the kitchen table. I picked it up and slammed it on the ground, right on the spider. I stood up and held up my arms, showing it off to him.

"There, it's killed. Come down now?" I requested. He looked apprehensively at the ground before easing himself onto the counter, then sliding onto the ground. He looked up at me from under his lashes shyly, grinning.

"You're my hero." He leaned up and gave me a simple, quick kiss. His lips tasted like sugar cookies. He pulled back and I smiled. I wrapped an arm around his waist and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm like a Knight, right?" I joked. He laughed and nodded. "Wanna watch Misfits with me?" 

"Yeah, let's go." We headed into the living room and plopped on the couch, just as the show came back on. We snuggled happily on the couch for awhile until we heard someone come down the stairs.

"Hey guys, do you know if we have any- Why is my shoe in the middle of the- FUCKING HELL THAT'S A HUGE FUCKING SPIDER!" I snorted and Niall laughed out loud.

Simple Adventure [Nouis One-Shot]Where stories live. Discover now