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To avoid things from going haywire, there are usually precautions. Consider this rules page our precautions. Everybody hates them, but they do keep things orderly.


1. Follow this account. It is not mandatory for you to follow any of the judges, but please follow this account for easy access/update/message boards.

2. Add #VeiledLilacs to your book tags. This will make it immensely easier for us to find your book, but if you cannot (you can only have 20 tags per book), then please pm me your book.

3. Be respectful. Please be respectful of all judges and participants. And if anyone is being disrespectful, please report to me in a private message. We are all humans, bound to make mistakes, please don't call anyone out directly. 

4. You can submit up to 4 books, with only 2 in the same category. That being said, only one book per category (per author) will be accepted.

5. All stories must have at least 4 chapters before judging begins. You may enter your book as long as you clear it with me. If you do not have four chapters by the time round 1 starts, your book will be disqualified. Exceptions are short stories or poems. PM me for any questions.

Participant password: last letter of your username followed by a country. Password will change every week. 

Judges: (sorry you have a couple more rules)

1. Rule 1 and 3 of the participants still apply. Please go back and reread them.

2. You can submit as many books as the participants, as long as you are not the judge of your own category. You can see how that would be a problem, yes?

3. IMPORTANT: If you feel a story is plagiarized, please PM me the story along with the reasons. If you can, it would be nice to have which story you think it's plagiarized from as well, but if you can't find that, it's okay. I will send out a notice on holding off on all judging for that book until further notice.

5. Please comment at least once on each chapter. Voting isn't necessary, but I have to know you read a good amount of the work. You don't have to read the whole book, of course, but a good portion would include about 4 to 5 chapters. That being said, no one is stopping you from reading more.

6. There are deadlines, but there are also grace periods. If it gets too much at once, PM me and we will reduce the amount of books you have to grade. 

 You do NOT have to have any previous judging experience to be a judge (see JUDGES chapter).  

Judges password: an ice cream flavour.

As you can see, I am very invested in privacy. I want these awards to be run smoothly, so kindly report any issues to me in a PM or on my gmail,

Consequences for breaking any major rule will be permanently blocking from this account. Yes, I classify my rules major and minor. But still, do try to keep them all in mind.

The Veiled Lilac AwardsWhere stories live. Discover now