The shadows around me, the creaks coming from the walls, it haunts me. My sanity has been questioned by many docters. My life is done, I sit in this room with nothing but a matrees . No sheets or blankets allowed. They cut my nails so low so I can't cut or hurt my self. No more golden waves make their way infront of my eyes, they cut my hair off so if it grows I can't hang my self with it.I sit againset the wall and stare upon the window thats high up, made to prevent me from climbing out. I stare at my feet and remeber the mornings I spent bare footed . The green grass that moved on and on for miles with nothing but flowers and corn. The trees that swayed with wind and the acasional cow munching on spring grass, thier calfs close for protection from what lives beyond. Sweet flowers growing in purples and pinks marked my finish line, my run completed. Yellow light spread across my eyes causing me to squint, soon the world would be a live and chores would be completed. Climbing to my feet I felt the sun's warmth rush caross my face and leave me to start my run home. I look at my hands and remeber my drawings. I wasn't the populer girl you usaully read about in horror storys. I was the girl in the back of the class room that never had anything to do with anyone else. I really was the girl whos name class mates forgot. Teachers asked us to write, when the other kids complained about 'finding inspertation through the world around us' I sat and wrote. I though of my feet in another's shoes, a leaf, a bear, a flower . I got straight A's never a mark lower, to the poele who did know who I was , I was called stange. And I was fine with that , I never wanted it to be different. I would do anything to have the old 'me' back. She took it from me. She took everything from me. She killed them, and slowely still kills me.