Chapter VI

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"Hinata, you have a pretty name." He gave me a a huge grin and waved goodbye.

"Uzumaki-san? E-eto, wa-wa-" He starts to walk farther and farther away from me. I desperately try to reach for him, but he slowly disappears in the darkness.

"Ring, ring, ring. This is a real mail. Ring." A cellphone in human size approaches me, and it keeps telling me I have a new mail.

"E-eh?! Cellphone-san you're talking?"

"Ring. Ring. Wake up! Hayaku."

I sat up so quickly the blood launched itself to my brain. That was just a dream, ha ha, how weird. "Hanabi? What time is it?" My sister is sitting in her bed with an irritated look, and points to my phone that's receiving a new mail. I look at the text, while she returns to bed.

From: Tenny-chan

Subject: Important!

I pressed it and it shows me all of its contents. Honestly, Tenny-chan, what could be so important that you mailed me? It's twelve, for Pete's sake!

Hinata-chan! Today is our one year anniversary, Neji and I. Not you and me, that'll be awkward. Well, maybe not that weird. Ahh! I'm ranting. Anyway, it's today and I don't have anything to give him! I completely forgot about it until I saw my calendar. I don't know what to do, HELP ME! Onegaishimasu!

I frantically look for ideas in my head to help, so I type a short reply to her.

To: Tenny-chan


Tenny-chan, please calm down. I'll help you, alright? Chotto matte kudasai.

How can I help her? I have no idea how to handle a situation like this. Hinata, think! Your only friend asked for your help! I have an idea.

To: Tenny-chan

Subject: This may work...

I think you should make him a romantic dinner after school? Set it up on the place where you first met. This plan will only work depending on nii-san's plans. What do you think?

I pressed 'sent' and thought of other ideas. A minute later I received a reply which contains:

Hm, I'm not so certain. I don't really know what he plans to do, so I need to learn that first before I can go through with your idea. Maybe, you can ask him? We'll make a plan B just in case. Does that sound logical?


Hai. I will ask nii-san without him suspecting anything. Instead of doing a lot of work, why not just give him a meaningful gift? Anything from you, I'm sure he will love it. Maybe, that could be Plan B?


Hm, you have a point. However, I never really did anything for him, so the dinner idea will be the first thing I make for him. Just for him. I'm not making sense, am I? Hai, let's make give-him-a-gift plan B. Hinata, arigato  for helping me out at this hour. It means a lot to me. Really, domo arigatogozaimashita.


Ieie, ii desu yo. I'll gladly help you anytime. I'll text you as soon as I can when I learn nii-san's plans.


Onegai. Hinata, arigato, again. Well, oyasuminasai. Mata ashita~


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